Mark Cuban s’attend aux ventes de billets exceptionnels en Dogecoin (DOGE)

Mark Cuban est convaincu que son club de basket-ball, Dallas Mavericks, fera une mise à mort des ventes de billets et de marchandises via Dogecoin cette saison.

Dans son interview à Fox Business, le milliardaire a noté que bien que le club ait déjà réalisé des ventes massives principalement en Dogecoin au cours des dernières saisons, il s’attendait à ce que les paiements en Dogecoin augmentent cette fois-ci, car plus de gens s’en étaient informés.

«Beaucoup de gens paient en Dogecoin. Nous vendons des milliers et des milliers de dollars par mois pendant l’intersaison et une fois que cela commencera, je m’attends à ce que cela se produise chaque semaine.»

Alors que le club accepte les paiements en d’autres cryptomonnaies, Mark a déclaré que les fans payants en Bitcoin sont très peu nombreux étant donné que le Bitcoin est une réserve de valeur que la plupart des clients préféraient simplement détenir.

Cuban, ayant déjà révélé avoir acheté 494 dollars de DOGE a également déclaré qu’il en avait acheté un peu plus en plaçant sa détention totale du coin à environ 1 500 dollars. Selon lui, DOGE est «un excellent moyen de comprendre comment fonctionne la cryptomonnaie, comment investir sur le marché et c’est évidemment un meilleur investissement qu’un billet de loterie si vous essayez de faire un homerun. » 

Cuban a également investi dans d’autres cryptoactifs, notamment Ethereum, NFT et diverses applications DeFI qui, selon lui, sont l’avenir de la finance.

Bien que Mavericks n’empêche pas ses joueurs d’être payés en Bitcoin, Mark postule qu’en les payant en cryptomonnaies, les joueurs finissent par recevoir des montants moindres étant donné qu’il y a des frais transactionnels encourus en échangeant la monnaie fiat contre la crypto. Son club préfère donc payer ses joueurs en espèces afin qu’ils puissent acheter n’importe quel cryptoactif qu’ils souhaitent.

Depuis qu’il a commencé à accepter les paiements en Dogecoin, 95% des ventes de Mavericks ont été effectuées en DOGE malgré le fait que le club accepte d’autres cryptomonnaies, notamment BTC, ETH, GUSD, BCH, PAX, BUSD et USDC.

Dans un passé récent, les Mavericks ont également introduit un programme de cashback qui vise à récompenser les fans qui dépensent plus de 150 dollars en DOGE pour les achats dans le but d’encourager l’utilisation de la cryptomonnaie.

Cette année, DOGE, qui a une capitalisation boursière de 31 milliards de dollars, a enregistré un rendement de 9,400% au sommet de 0.740796 dollar de mai avant de perdre 4,913.80% de ses gains lors de la chute de mai-juillet qui a frappé le marché crypto. Au moment de publication, le prix de Dogecoin a continué à se redresser, mettant en avant une recrudescence de 10% pour rester à un peu plus de 0.24 dollars.

Plus d’actions

Je suis sûr que la blockchain et les cryptomonnaies représentent le futur, et je veux faire passer cette idée à tout le monde car plus il y aura de monde à croire aux cryptomonnaies, plus vite le futur arrivera.


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La Corée du Sud applique des taxes sur le Bitcoin (BTC) et la crypto à l’exception des NFT

Bien que la Corée du Sud se prépare à introduire des taxes sur la crypto, le pays n’a pas encore annoncé de règles pour les NFT. Le pays commencera son régime fiscal crypto en 2022. Cependant, les règles de taxation NFT doivent encore être formulées. La Corée du Sud introduit un impôt sur le revenu […]

L’article La Corée du Sud applique des taxes sur le Bitcoin (BTC) et la crypto à l’exception des NFT est apparu en premier sur CoinTribune.

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100% des bénéfices des NFT Poolside Puffers sont reversés à un orphelinat

Récemment, une collection de tokens non fongibles (NFT) Poolside Puffers, créée sur la blockchain SmartBCH, a été présentée à la communauté Bitcoin CashLes 2 100 Puffers ont été vendus en moins de trois jours. Les bénéfices ont été reversés à un orphelinat au Vietnam. La présentation des Poolside Puffers Le protocole SmartBCH gagne du terrain […]

L’article 100% des bénéfices des NFT Poolside Puffers sont reversés à un orphelinat est apparu en premier sur CoinTribune.

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Les tweets du PDG de Tesla, Elon Musk, à propos de son « Shiba Inu » aident le $ SHIB à augmenter de 242% cette semaine

Crypto-monnaie basée sur les mèmes Shiba Inu ($SHIB) a encore bondi de 20% jeudi (7 octobre) pour devenir l’un des 20 premiers crypto-actifs (par capitalisation boursière). En fait, à un moment donné aujourd’hui, $SHIB occupait la 12e place sur le tableau de la capitalisation boursière devant Chainlink ($LINK) et Uniswap ($UNI).

Cela a été une excellente semaine pour le projet Shiba Inu, qui a été inspiré par Dogecoin, c’est-à-dire. La crypto-monnaie préférée du PDG de Tesla et SpaceX, Elon Musk.

Selon les données de TradingView, à 00h00 UTC le lundi 4 octobre, sur l’échange de crypto FTX, $ SHIB se négociait autour de 0,00000852 $. Et actuellement (c’est-à-dire à 16h00 UTC le 7 octobre), le $ SHIB se négocie autour de 0,00002916 $, ce qui signifie un gain de plus de 242% par rapport à l’USD cette semaine.

De plus, au cours du dernier mois, le $ SHIB a augmenté de plus de 278% par rapport au dollar américain.

Alors, que s’est-il passé au cours des dernières semaines pour aider $SHIB à si bien fonctionner ?

Il y a probablement quatre raisons aux performances très impressionnantes de $SHIB :

un plus grand intérêt des détaillants pour la crypto – en particulier les altcoins – en général ; cela est en partie dû au fait que les jetons non fongibles (NFT) se généralisent, avec toutes sortes d’organisations et de célébrités qui en parlent ;
Coinbase référencement $SHIB sur Coinbase Consumer (c’est-à-dire et sur l’application mobile de Coinbase (pour iOS et Android) le 12 septembre ;
Commentaires de soutien sur Twitter par les milliardaires Mark Cuban et Elon Musk, en particulier ce dernier, à propos de Dogecoin ($DOGE), qui peut être considéré comme la crypto-monnaie originale inspirée de Shiba Inu; et, surtout
Les commentaires d’Elon Musk sur son chien Shiba Inu depuis le 25 juin.

Voici quelques tweets de Musk sur son chien ; comme vous pouvez le voir, le plus récent est sorti au début de cette semaine.

Mon Shiba Inu s’appellera Floki

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) 25 juin 2021

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Les points de vue et opinions exprimés par l’auteur, ou toute personne mentionnée dans cet article, sont uniquement à titre informatif et ne constituent pas des conseils financiers, d’investissement ou autres. Investir ou échanger des crypto-actifs comporte un risque de perte financière.

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CoinShares investit dans une banque suisse dont les clients se tournent de plus en plus vers la crypto Caroline Puder, responsable du marketing et de la communication chez FlowBank. 

Mme Puder a ajouté que le partenariat de FlowBank avec CoinShares « renforce davantage » la mission de la banque, qui consiste à « créer un parcours bancaire et d’investissement transparent et innovant pour ses clients. » Elle a ajouté qu’aujourd’hui, « les clients de FlowBank peuvent investir dans les crypto [produits négociés en bourse] de CoinShares ».

Grâce à l’investissement de CoinShares, la banque vise à lancer un certain nombre de nouvelles fonctionnalités liées aux cryptomonnaies pour ses clients en 2022.

« Grâce à l’offre de produits de CoinShares, à partir du début de l’année prochaine, les clients pourront acheter, HODL, vendre, partager des cryptomonnaies ainsi que d’autres actifs tokenisés directement à partir de leur compte FlowBank », selon le responsable marketing et communication de la banque.

La valeur de ce dernier investissement n’a pas été divulguée.

En juin dernier, Jean-Marie Mognetti, PDG de CoinShares, avait prédit dans le rapport annuel de l’entreprise deux tendances susceptibles de façonner l’industrie crypto cette année. La première est le « réveil » des investisseurs mondiaux et des trésoriers d’entreprise quant au rôle des actifs numériques dans un portefeuille. La seconde est une tendance « plus avant-gardiste » qui verra des paris élevés aux frontières de l’innovation (finance décentralisée (DeFi), jetons non fongibles (NFT), Web3.0, identité et marchés prédictifs).

CoinShares a indiqué que son résultat global total a doublé en 2020, atteignant 18,4 millions de livres sterling (25 millions d’USD), tandis que le total des actifs détenus par la société est passé à 1,96 milliard de livres sterling (2,67 milliards d’USD), soit une hausse d’environ 290 % sur l’année.

Créée en 2020, FlowBank détient une licence bancaire délivrée par l’Autorité fédérale de surveillance des marchés financiers (FINMA).



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PSG Coin Price Prediction 2021-2030

Upon report that football superstar Lionel Messi will join Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) for free after his Barcelona exit, the PSG coin began surging above $40 on August 2021. Thus we see the phenomenal interweaving of sports and crypto in the lives of football fans.

The Paris Saint – Germain Fan Token ( PSG ) is a token with robust utility that allows Paris Saint-Germain Football Club supporters (“Paris Saint – Germain “)  to have a tokenized portion of power on club operations via the Socios platform and software. The token functions as a participation key, allowing fans to contend for exotic prizes, club membership, and other benefits.

The sole certified Paris Saint – Germain Fan Coin is called $PSG. Fan Tokens are digital assets that do not expire. Consider them your regular membership, but with the added benefit of the right to vote on football club matters, unparalleled contribution to your team, and unique once-in-a-lifetime events.

Meanwhile, PSG LGD is one of the favorites for the biggest esport tournament started today (International 10 – Dota2); winners will share 18 million $ between 5 players; it’s trendy in China, so it has excellent visibility for the PSG team.

PSG Team

                                                                                   Source: site

What’s the PSG coin for?

Paris Saint – Germain uses the Software to allow Fan Token owners to weigh in on official club matters. It is up to the football club to conduct polls, but the choice made by supporters is final. Other teams’ fan token holders have previously voted on various issues, including uniform designs, vehicle designs, the official team slogan, and as the starting players.

Fan Tokens, like their love for the football club, could last forever. Once you’ve obtained them, you may use them as many times as you like. You keep all of your $PSG Fan Tokens after several votes and fan rewards. There is no need to re-subscribe on a weekly, monthly, or annual basis.


PSG coin is a utility token-operated on the Chiliz Chain, an Ethereum – based Proof – of -Authority sidechain, and it’s primarily used for the following :

1 . Governance

PSG coin holders may vote in different “fan decision” polls issued by Paris Saint -Germain through a smart contract. Paris Saint – Germain is legally obligated to act under poll findings. Token holders may engage with the Socios platform ( vote in polls, compete in competitions and quizzes, connect/meet like-minded people, and so on ) and receive incentives such as : 

2 . $ PSG Benefits

Holders of $ PSG Fan Tokens holders would enjoy VIP access to domestic clubs, cups, and Continental games like European League. But that’s only the beginning. The sky is perhaps the limit, whether it comes to autographed memorabilia, witnessing a game with your favorite club icon, or traveling with the squad to an away game. On the platform, one point worth noting is that; you may earn Fans Rewards by taking quizzes, playing games, and voting on club decisions.

 3 . Staking

PSG may be staked in the future to receive Non – Fungible Token ( NFT ) payouts. Token owners may utilize the Socios system to vote, take part  in competitions, chat with other fans, and receive incentives such as :

• Matchday admission.

• Exotic events.

•Cashback incentives from reputable online retailers.

• CHZ incentives are in-app.

• Electronic badges.

• Club-based NFTs

Potential PSG coin applications include :

• Solution: Using the PSG coin to get VIP products and services.

• Including PSG access in associated applications /websites

• Staking PSG in exchange for NFT incentives.

• Authentic Collectibles ( rare assets )

•Utility Gamification ( NFTs for blockchain-based games).

• Real-world Applicability ( NFTs ownership means real-life ownership of properties which is also a profitable investment).

PSG Coin distribution

PSG possesses a supply of 20,000 000 tokens, of which approximately 1,288,396 have been given to club supporters via a Fan Tokens  Offering. The leftover tokens belong to Paris Saint – Germain and could be obtained by engaging in community events and the Binance Launchpool or buying on exchange platforms.

                                                                        Source: Binance site

Paris Saint – Germain Fans token community

Socios, Chiliz, and Paris Saint – Germain will promote and incorporate the PSG coin within the club’s marketing technique, worldwide fan interaction plan, and e-commerce initiatives. The following are current community development initiatives for the Paris Saint – Germain Fan Token:

• Continuing to build token holders’ governance voting polls.

• Constant social media engagement with the audience to foster investment.

• Publication of stories on the PSG coin in primary media sources.

The following are future community development initiatives for the Paris Saint – Germain Fan Token :

• Staking PSG to get unique Paris Saint – Germain NFTs.

• Incorporating PSG into the club’s official apps and websites.

• Making use of Paris Saint – Germain stars to advertise the PSG token.

• Marketing using existing Ticket Seasons and fan groups data.

• Launching frequent incentives for people that possess PSG tokens to win games tickets, autographed jerseys, and unique experiences.

• Expanding the Socios platform’s language capability.

• Organizing more crypto-inclined activities with soccer superstars.

Fundamental forecast of the PSG fan token

The Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token (PSG) is a token provided by the football club- Paris Saint-Germain is intended to improve Paris Saint-Germain Fan engagement with the club. The PSG coin was released in early 2020. PSG Fan Token is part of a rising trend sponsored by many sports teams that enable token holders to vote in polls carried out by the group, confident influence choices, get unique gifts, and have closer access to players, among other things.

Those tokens are typically available via a specific portal — — on their blockchain known as Chiliz. PSG coin was one of the platform’s early tokens, with over 50 fan tokens listed by August 2021. The club’s executives inked a multi-year agreement with, indicating that PSG’s crypto participation would most likely continue for some time.

PSG tokens, like other cryptocurrencies, may be purchased on major exchanges, but they can also be obtained via methods specific to the fan token initiatives on Fans may find the tokens by playing games in the platform’s app, or they can earn them as incentives for engaging with their team. These mechanisms encourage fan interaction and inject some fun into tokenomics.

$PSG live price chart

The first significant increase in PSG price occurred in December 2020, after its Binance debut, when it surged from $10 to about $30, but it quickly reverted to the prior level. It began to rise in the first half of 2021, following the entire crypto market trend. The PSG token price prediction at that time could be achieved by reading a typical head-and-shoulders structure on the chart: after passing through the second “shoulder” in May, the token’s price dipped down to $12–$16.

                                                                               Source: Tradingview

The tide changed in the late summer of 2021, when rumors of Lionel Messi’s impending move to Paris Saint-Germain football club broke, including the revelation that a portion of his signing-on fee would be paid in PSG tokens. This was enough to cause the PSG’s Price to skyrocket, hitting an all-time high of $61 on the 10th of August, making the PSG token a genuine competitor in the crypto world, as the token is currently ranked #318 in market cap. PSG Fan Token is presently highly volatile; thus, PSG price forecasts remain in the air for the time being.

                                                                         Source: Newsdirectory3

 PSG fan token technical analysis

One hundred percent correct analysis for the PSG coin (judging from historical data) is not possible. You can check the real-time aggregated PSG buy-and-sell rating for the token’s projected value using the sophisticated forecast system TradingView. The synopsis for PSG/USD is dependent on the most often used technical indicators, which are Moving Averages, Oscillators, and Pivots.

                                                                                Sources: TradingView

2021-2030 PSG Coin price forecast

The current market PSG price is $25.52. As of the 6th of October 2021, the market cap of the Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token is $79,331,895, and the token is presently trading at approximately $24.69. PSG Fan Token is currently the world’s 4235th most valued cryptocurrency. These are the price projections for Paris Saint-Germain Fan Tokens in the future.

                                                                                Source: 6methods

October 2021 forecast in PSG /USD

In early October 2021, the price is anticipated to be about USD 25.92. The pricing range for the middle of Oct 2021 is $29.29 to $23.33. The Price of Paris Saint-Germain Fan Tokens will be approximately $26.31 in October 2021. By the end of October 2021f, Paris Saint-Germain FaTokens’s projected value is $25.92, a 5% drop from the current price.

November 2021 forecast in PSG /USD

In early November 2021, the value is anticipated to be about USD 28.26. The pricing range for November 2021 is $33.06 – $26.84. In November 2021, Paris Saint-Germain Fan Tokens will cost an average of $29.95. The Fan Token price forecast for Paris Saint-Germain by the end of November 2021 is $29.26, a 9.2% increase from November 2021.

December 2021 forecast in PSG /USD

In early December 2021, the price is anticipated to be about USD 32.50. In December 2021, prices will vary from as much as $37.05 to as minimal as $27.30. The average Price of Paris Saint-Germain Fan Tokens in December 2021 will be $32.17. The Price of a Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token is projected to rise by 15% by the end of December 2021, reaching $32.50.

2022 PSG price predictions

It’s projected that by 2022, the Price of a Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token would be at least $37.33. the average price of a Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token in 2022 will be $38.69, with a high of $45.07 possible in 2022.

2023-2024 PSG Coin price predictions

According to price forecasts and technical analysis, the Price of a Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token is expected to drop to $53.05 in 2023. Depending on the market, the PSG token price may go as high as $65.04 and as low as $54.59.

At the very least, in 2024, the cost of one Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token will be $77.14. In 2024, the PSG price prediction is expected to reach a high of $92.84, with a median of $79.32.

2025 PSG Coin price predictions

The lowest Price for Paris Saint-Germain Fan Tokens is predicted to be $109.06 in 2025. According to our results, the PSG stock price may rise as high as $131.58, with an average projected cost of $113.03 per share. 

2026 PSG Coin price predictions

The Price of a Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token is expected to be approximately $160.16 in 2026, according to our in-depth analysis of historical pricing data for PSG. With a mean market value of $165.81 in USD, the Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token price may go as high as USD 186.81.

2027 PSG Coin price predictions

The Minimum Price of Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token in 2027 is expected to be $239.70 compared with other forecasts. With an average selling price of $247.99 in 2027, the Price of a Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token may go as high as $286.77 in the cryptocurrency market.

2028 PSG Coin price prediction

Forecast charts reveal that there will be a drop to $337.58 by 2028 in the PSG coin price. Prices for PSG products may go as high as $424.59, but on average, they are about $349.99.

2029 $PSG price prediction

The PSG Fan Token is expected to have a minimum price of $504.45 by the year 2029. The Price of a PSG Fan Token may go as high as $598.92 in 2029, with an average selling price of $518.45 in the crypto market.

2030 PSG Coin maximum and minimum price predictions

The lowest price for the Paris Saint-Germain Fan Tokens is predicted to be $698.64 in 2030. There is a possible price of $853.71 with an average of $724.57.


The assessment described above shows (chart) that Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token (PSG) predictions are somewhat inconsistent for financial decisions.

There is no unanimous agreement on whether future PSG price fluctuations will be positive or negative. Indeed, potential future development is dependent on a variety of variables, including announcements, new technical solutions developed by the Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token initiatives, the crypto ecosystem in general, legal status, and so on.

Although the Paris Saint-Germain Fan Token has long-term earning potential in the crypto industry and can soar to new heights and surpass its highest price, other deals are being made.

Paris Saint-Germain (PSG), arguably the best French professional football club, has named exchange firm Crypto.Com as its first official crypto platform partner in a multi-year deal.

The deal will see use its native token CRO to pay a significant portion of the sponsorship fee. It is worthy of mention that CRO is among the top 40 tokens globally, with a market capitalization of around $4.5 billion.

The exchange firm stated that partnering with PSG is natural as the club recently built “one of the strongest football teams in the history of the sport,” with the latest addition to the club being Argentine icon Lionel Messi. As the PSG team is crucial to every fan, we are hopeful that cryptocurrency will be integrated into daily life.

We want to remind you that it is crucial to do your research before investing in crypto or making an investment decision.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How many votes can I cast?

You can vote just once for each poll. However, your vote’s value We want to remind you that it is crucial to research before investing in crypto or making an investment decision. It is determined by the amount of Fan Tokens you possess. For instance, if you own ten Fan Tokens, your vote will be counted as ten. Each vote is limited to a certain amount of Fan Tokens set by the PSG club.

How much $PSG Fan Tokens am I going to need?

With only one PSG Fan Coin, you may impact the team and participate in Fan Rewards. Some

special prizes, on the other hand, may demand more than one entry.

What currency should I use to get $PSG?

Using CHZ, the in-app money, you may buy PSG Fan Tokens straight from the platform. When you go on vacation, think of $CHZ as a foreign currency. You first purchase $CHZ, then exchange these for $PSG Fan Tokens. You may buy $CHZ using a payment card(Debit/credit).

What price will the Paris Saint-Germain fan token reach?

The Fan token price in the French Premier League may increase to $35.52 by August. The currency is expected to break over the $87.90 area easily.

What will the Paris Saint-Germain fan token be worth in 2022?

The PSG’s projected valuation will reach a high of $67.55 by the end of 2022, with a low of $67.16.

What is the PSG token highest projected price for 2021?

PSG stock is projected to rise 33.51 percent by the end of 2021. We expect the best from PSG.

Will the Price of Paris Saint-Fan Germain’s Token rise?

The price of a Paris Saint-Germain fan token has risen by 27.413 USD a year then, to 49.352 USD. In other words, the value of this coin might reach USD 274.14. In one year, the token’s value may rise from 27 USD to 49 USD. It may sell at the end of the year for approximately $100,000 each token. It costs $49 and is available now.

Can the Paris Saint-Germain fan token be destroyed?

According to our findings, it is unlikely to occur, but fans can change their minds in a volatile world, and the whole system collapses without a community supporting it.

What is the cost of a Paris Saint-Germain fan token?

Paris St-Germain Fan Tokens are presently priced at USD 27.41 on the chart. The coin’s pricing was $27.413. Tokens may be bought at the start of the day in Paris.

Is it worthwhile to buy a PSG fan token?

Yes, the long-term revenue potential in the United States remains extremely strong (see chart above). For a year, you may obtain 80.03 percent of your earnings. You may potentially make more than 80% of your profits.

Can the PSG fan token displace, outperform, or exceed other coins like BTC?

Such a shift, according to our projections, is improbable. believes this is improbable considering the fan base is not worldwide.


Disclaimer. The information provided is not trading advice. holds no liability for any investments made based on the information provided on this page. We strongly recommend independent research and/or consultation with a qualified professional before making any investment decisions.

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The Coinbase Ventures Guide to NFTs

Around the Block from Coinbase Ventures sheds light on key trends in crypto. In this edition, Justin Mart, Connor Dempsey, and Ejaaz Ahamadeen lay out what’s behind the growth of NFT markets.

In 2020, a little over $200 million in NFTs changed hands. This February saw more volume than the entire year prior, with $340 million in sales. Then August blew every record away, with over $4 billion in total NFT volume on top marketplaces. When you factor in platforms outside Ethereum, some estimates show secondary sales alone in Q3 surpassing $10 billion.

Simply put, the exponential growth of NFT markets represent the largest shift within the crypto landscape in years.

At this point, most people are familiar with non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”): unique digital assets representing different forms of media that are tradable over internet marketplaces spanning art, gaming, sports memorabilia, music, and more.

In this edition of Around The Block, we’ll provide a broad overview of what appears to be driving growth within the NFT landscape and what the future may hold for this technology.

NFT art

While NFTs reach far beyond the art world, art is still the category-defining NFT market responsible for much of the volume represented in the above chart. In many ways, the crypto art market mirrors that of traditional art. On the demand side, there are a mix of small and large collectors. On the supply side, there are renowned artists like Beeple, whose works sell for millions, as well as thousands of up and coming artists like Metsa (Maxwell Prendergast) whose work (pictured below) sell from anywhere between $100 and $10,000.

Radiant Depths — Maxwell Prendergast @madebymetsa

Thousands of artists like Maxwell are gravitating to NFT art because it’s proving to be more equitable for creators than the traditional market. Thanks to the internet and social media, digital artists can have their work reach millions with just a few clicks. And now, thanks to smart contracts underlying NFTs, artists can be automatically compensated every time their work is resold. Compared to traditional art markets where artists often aren’t appreciated until well after their lifetime and where most of the value accrues to wealthy collectors from secondary sales, the appeal of the digital art market for the creators is clear.

But why pay to own a piece of digital art, especially when the very nature of it being digital allows it to be replicated infinite times? In fact, we showcased Maxwell’s work above by simply cutting and pasting in a file without even paying him for it. The answer comes down to actual ownership. When someone buys NFT art, they’re not paying for a digital image but rather a socially-recognized record of ownership of the image registered on a blockchain like Ethereum. So while we can paste Maxwell’s work in this article, we don’t own the NFT tied to the work and therefore have nothing to sell.

As it turns out, many people value owning digitally scarce works just as much as others value owning physical ones. While digital ownership doesn’t come with any unique legal protections, it can be programmatically verified, allowing platforms to enforce rules where only the owner can use an image for certain purposes (like in a Twitter profile, for example). This programmatic recognition of ownership is key to the baseline utility and value behind NFTs.

Generative art

The rise in popularity of NFT art has in large part been fueled by a sector known as generative art, with the demand for it coming primarily from crypto native investors. Generative art is defined as art created via the use of an autonomous system. A prime example of generative art is CryptoPunks, which is also arguably the first significant NFT art collection.

The CryptoPunk collection consists of 10,000 unique characters generated algorithmically through computer code created by a studio called Larva Labs. They built their program to randomly spit out pixelated characters each with varying traits — different hair, hats, etc. The program also generated three special types: 88 Zombies, 24 apes, and 9 aliens. After running the algorithm, this randomly generated assortment of characters were linked to Ethereum smart contracts and became traded and valued in part based on their rarity. One of the 9 alien punks with a unique mask and beanie, dubbed “Covid Alien”, recently fetched $11.75 million at auction.

Art Blocks is a popular platform for generative art. Rather than creating and selling individual pieces, ArtBlocks allows artists to create algorithms that produce works of art before allowing collectors to “mint” a limited number of pieces. This is a novel process for creating and distributing art where both the buyer and the artist don’t even know what the algorithm will produce before the piece is minted.

On ArtBlocks, a collection titled “Fidenza” by artist Tyler Hobbs is currently among the most valuable. Hobbs uses a flow field algorithm to produce unpredictable non-overlapping curves that are randomly colorized. This method produces digital works of art that have sold for as much as $3.5 million and look like something you’d see at the MOMA.

Crypto culture & NFT art

But why are some pixelated characters or colorful non-overlapping waves selling for millions, while other similar pieces of NFT art sell for significantly less? The answer is tied to the unique culture that has developed around crypto and NFT markets.

CryptoPunks and Fidenzas, for example, each have historical significance for the crypto community. CryptoPunks are credited with helping create the ERC-721 token standard that is the foundation of the entire NFT market. Fidenzas were the first well-executed and visually-appealing collection of on-chain generative NFTs.

In this light, the asking price for these works makes more sense given their cultural significance for investors in crypto, which has been among the best performing asset classes of the last decade. For a growing subculture of crypto-native users, these rare NFTs serve as a status symbol, akin to a traditional collector owning a Picasso or a Rembrandt. Instead of being displayed in one’s home, they’re displayed prominently in online communities and on social media platforms like Twitter and Discord.

DC Investor — Crypto/NFT investor

As crypto culture bleeds further into the mainstream, so too is crypto art with celebrities like Jay-Z and Odell Beckham Jr. now prominently displaying their CryptoPunks on social media. Snoop Dogg also recently claimed to be a formerly anonymous NFT collector named @CozomoMedici with a $17M NFT art collection.

To recap, the rise of NFT art has been made possible by provable ownership recorded via tokens on blockchains like Ethereum. NFT art has attracted artists from all over the world, leading to an explosion in the variety of art work available. Pieces with cultural significance within the crypto community tend to fetch higher price tags, but we’re already seeing crypto and mainstream culture merge, led by various influencers.

NFT gaming

Despite the growth of NFT art markets however, the highest grossing collection of NFTs comes from a different category altogether: gaming. Just as NFTs let people own unique works of digital art, they allow gamers to truly own in-game items. This gives players a real economic stake in the games they play.

When you buy a typical game item, all you’re really getting is the experience of using it. When you buy an in-game item that’s also an NFT, you get an asset with resale value that can be taken with you to other games and experiences. Add in the ability to receive crypto for winning, and you get an entirely new model for gaming called “play-to-earn.”

Axie Infinity and its 1.8 million users are currently the NFT gaming world’s crown jewel. In Axie Infinity, the Pokemon-like characters needed to play the game are themselves NFTs. Players receive crypto when they win battles, leading many in emerging markets to turn playing the game into a full-time job. Early collectors of Axie NFTshave seen their characters go from originally selling for $5 to nearly $500 in August. Total sales for these in-game NFTs recently crossed $2B, making it the highest selling NFT collection of all time.

From Dapp Radar

The real promise of NFT based games, however, comes from the combination of ownership and composability. Composability is an important crypto concept referring to how one protocol is natively interoperable with another — i.e. a token generated from MakerDAO can be traded on a decentralized exchange like Uniswap. Applied to gaming, this concept means that an in-game item created in one game can be used in a game created by a different developer — e.g. you can take your Axie character with you to a different game altogether.

Projects like Decentraland, Sandbox, Somnium Space, CryptoVoxels, and TCG World are all creating virtual worlds where different gaming experiences can collide. These virtual worlds feature NFT “plots” that anyone can purchase and develop a game on top of. Thanks to composability, we may for example see someone build an arena in Decentraland where you can battle your Axie NFT against a Loot-equipped character.

The intersection of DeFi & NFTs

Thanks to composability, NFTs are also already interoperable with certain existing crypto infrastructure. This sets the stage for a collision between NFTs and existing DeFi primitives, which can bring greater utility and liquidity to the space.

Just as it’s commonplace for wealthy collectors to post their works of art as collateral in return for a loan, the same is becoming possible with NFT art and gaming assets. NFTfi is one example of a project that lets users post their NFTs as collateral for a loan, or offer loans to others to gain use of their NFTs. This means an NFT collector can pay a small fee to temporarily turn an NFT into liquid capital that can be put to use yield farming. On the other side, someone can post some capital to borrow an Axie NFT that can in turn be put to use earning yield in the game.

NFT collateralized loans are just one example of what’s possible when you combine NFTs and DeFi. Look for this space to grow rapidly as NFTs mature.

Crypto’s social layer

Beyond art and gaming, NFTs are enabling the formation of new kinds of online communities and crypto powered consumer applications. For example, with Bored Ape Yacht Club, owning 1 of 10,000 disinterested looking Ape characters grants access to an exclusive community that includes admittance to a discord channel plus rights to new NFT airdrops and merchandise. This means that buying a Bored Ape unlocks access to a special club — one that’s even attracted NBA all-star Stephen Curry. Bored Apes helped pioneer this model but there are many NFT projects now employing it.

There is also promise for NFTs to create new kinds of relationships between entertainers and fans, particularly in the world of music. Catalog, for example, lets artists sell unique tracks directly to fans in the form of Wav NFTs. This lets fans directly support their favorite artists by purchasing their music directly from the source. Imagine purchasing a limited edition Taylor Swift song before she got famous.

All This, By AbJo (1 of 3)

NFTs can also create deeper relationships between fans and creators by conveying rights to exclusive experiences. For example, fans who purchased The Disclosure Face automatically received 4 tickets to any Disclosure show worldwide. On top of that, the purchasers became friends with the artist and Disclosure now regularly performs at their events.

Just as with music, the world of sports and NFTs are also colliding. NBA TopShots, which turns NBA moments (i.e. a Lebron James dunk) into digital trading cards, is already among the top grossing NFT collections. The company behind TopShots also just announced plans to expand into the NFL. Sorare, which just raised a mammoth $680m Series B, has similarly partnered with international soccer clubs to generate NFTs that represent players. These NFTs form the basis of a fantasy sports competition in which users are rewarded when their players perform well.

Social Tokens

Social tokens can be viewed as the fungible cousins of NFTs. Similar to how Bored Apes or NFTs minted by certain musicians convey access to certain communities or experiences, social tokens do the same.

Social tokens are catching on with creators and influencers who seek to create social communities around their individual brands. One interesting recent example is UCLA basketball player Jaylen Clark using the Rally platform to issue the $JROCK token. Holders of these tokens will get tickets to basketball games as well as unique content from Jaylen.

Social tokens are even earlier in their adoption curve, but alongside NFTs, are helping form the backbone of crypto’s social layer.

All roads lead to Web3

Crypto has now introduced several novel innovations to the world: first, Bitcoin and digital cash; then, Ethereum, smart contracts, and a revolution in capital formation; recently, DeFi and a reimagining of the financial system. Now, NFTs and what some believe will be a revolution in digital ownership and social coordination. Put all of these technologies together and you have the foundation for Web3 — an internet owned by its users.

Given the recent rapid rise in NFT values, it is likely that this market will experience boom and bust cycles, similar to previous crypto innovations. Regardless, we’re likely to see a continued cambrian explosion of new experiments that range from brilliant to absurd, as the lines between the digital and physical world continue to blur.

Steve Wimmer — Punk Portraits

Previous editions of Around the Block

Loot Project: the first community owned NFT gaming platformAxie Infinity, Yield Guild Games & the play-to-earn economy

Retail news

CoinGecko, CMC, TradingView blocked in China, as crypto clampdown continuesRobinhood is rolling out crypto wallet and transfer features + hints at DeFiGemini & Binance US poised for multibillion dollar valuationsTwitter rolling out BTC tipping via Lightning + NFT profile authenticationBitfinex pays $24M for a $100K ETH transaction in errorHuobi to cease service to all users in mainland ChinaFTX Moves Headquarters From Hong Kong to BahamasKraken to pay $1.25M Settlement with CFTC

Institutional news

Visa unveils “Layer 2” network for stablecoins, CBDCsMass Mutual-owned fintech (Flourish) launches BTC service for RIAsFed chairman Powell says it would be ‘ideal’ to work with Congress on digital dollarBank of England announces members of CBDC working groups including PayPalLatin America’s biggest investment bank (BTG Pactual) launching crypto platformCambrian Asset Management is launching BTC/ETH trustsCrypto custodian Cobo raises $40M to expand DeFi servicesInvesco & Galaxy team up to develop crypto ETF suiteBitcoin fund launched by NYDIG has raised nearly $17 million to date

Ecosystem news

Fantasy soccer NFT platform Sorare scores $680 million raise led by SoftBankMulti-chain wallet XDEFI raises $6 million in round led by Mechanism CapitalDapper Labs partners with NFL on digital collectibles marketplaceRipple Announces $250M Fund to support NFT projects on XRP LedgerRevolut to Launch Crypto TokenBitcoin’s Lightning Network capacity reaches an all-time highSocial token platform Roll raises $10 million in Series A fundingPermissioned DeFi platform Aave Arc gears up for launch


Chris Dixon on why Web 3 mattersA sneak peak at Twitters NFT profile verification (using CB wallet)Compound Bug allows users to claim up to $80M in COMP tokensAxie Infinity is on pace to generate ~$1.4B in revenue in 2021Jeremy Allaire: Crypto is in line with US values of openness, transparency, privacy, and free market competitionLyn Alden: bitcoin adoption tends to be higher in places that have more restrictions on economic freedom

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The Coinbase Ventures Guide to NFTs was originally published in The Coinbase Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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La croissance de Bitcoin, “simple commencement” pour Bank of America

Fait assez rare pour être souligné : La Bank of America expose des perspectives haussières pour la DeFi et les NFT. “La crypto est une tendance qui a à peine commencé, l’argent est l’application la plus simple et tout a commencé avec le Bitcoin (BTC)” a déclaré la Bank of America.

Les actifs numériques : “trop important pour être ignorés”

La Bank Of America Corporation (BoA) a publié un rapport présentant des perspectives haussières à long terme pour les cryptomonnaies.

Il est noté que les actifs numériques “créent tout un écosystème de nouvelles entreprises, de nouvelles opportunités et de nouvelles applications”, la banque a déclaré: “Cela augmente, c’est mainstream, et ce n’est pas seulement le bitcoin“. La version originale est intéressante, car on y discerne facilement une grande passion de Candace Browning pour les cryptos : “This is growing, this is mainstream, and it’s not just bitcoin.”

Le rapport met également en évidence l’aspect innovation au sein des secteurs de la finance décentralisée (DeFi) et des jetons non fongibles (NFT).

L’étude souligne que la capitalisation boursière de 2,15 billions de dollars du secteur des cryptomonnaies est «trop importante pour être ignoré», soulignant que l’écosystème des actifs numériques a évolué pour englober «bien plus» que le Bitcoin ( BTC)

Le rapport caractérise enfin le secteur crypto en faisant un inventaire de tout ce qu’on peut y trouver, ou presque : « Des jetons utilitaires, des applications décentralisées (DApps), des stablecoins liées aux monnaies fiduciaires, des monnaies numériques de banque centrale (MNBC) pour remplacer les monnaies nationales et des jetons non fongibles (NFT) permettant les liens entre les créateurs et les fans »

>> Un airdrop et 10% de réduction ! Venez vite réclamer vos bonus sur Ascendex ! <<

Candace Browning : cryptofriend ou businessman ?

Les citations sont signées Candace Browning, responsable de Bank of America Global Research, il a notamment déclaré :

« Les actifs numériques transforment la manière dont les marchés, les entreprises et les banques centrales fonctionnent. Bank of America offre une plateforme de paiement mondiale et une expertise en matière de blockchain à la pointe du marché, et l’ajout de la recherche sur les actifs numériques renforce encore la profondeur et l’étendue de nos offres pour les investisseurs. »

Candace Browning, responsable de Bank of America Global Research

Dans une interview avec Bloomberg TV, Browning a par ailleurs expliqué que le rapport était dû à “l’intérêt institutionnel croissant” et à la curiosité grandissante des clients pour les cryptos.

« Si vous regardez le nombre d’entreprises mentionnant la crypto dans leurs appels de résultats, il est passé d’environ 17 l’année dernière à 147 au cours du dernier trimestre »

Le rapport a également souligné la récente augmentation des taux d’adoption de la crypto, estimant que 221 millions d’utilisateurs dans le monde avaient échangé des cryptomonnaies ou utilisé une application blockchain en juin 2021, contre 66 millions en mai 2020.

« Les applications construites sur cette nouvelle architecture logicielle semblent croître plus rapidement que les technologies antérieures. […] N’importe qui dans un réseau peut établir un processus (application ou projet) qui offre cohérence et confiance »

En ce qui concerne les NFT, la BoA déclare que la croissance fulgurante du secteur a même surpris les utilisateurs vétérans de la crypto, soulignant que le marché OpenSea a généré plus de 2,5 milliards de dollars au premier semestre 2021.

Cependant, pour être complet, le rapport ne pointe pas que les avantages des cryptos. Il met également en garde contre la volatilité associée au secteur naissant des NFT, déclarant que “les risques accrus dans ce segment […] doivent être pleinement compris avant que les NFT puissent être véritablement adoptés”. Axie Infinity (AXS) en est un très bel exemple. Le Play-to-earn NFT propose également un exchange décentralisé, l’aventure gaming NFT continue !

Si vous êtes parmi les 400 premiers à parcourir ces lignes, ne ratez pas l’occasion de récupérer un airdrop de 5$ offerts pour toute inscription sur la célèbre plateforme Ascendex ! Cette prime de bienvenue se cumule avec une réduction de 10% sur vos frais de trading !  (lien affilié, sous réserve de trader au moins 100$, voir conditions sur site).

L’article La croissance de Bitcoin, “simple commencement” pour Bank of America est apparu en premier sur Journal du Coin.

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Lightning Network : multipliée par 13 en l’espace d’un an, la valeur placée atteint les 165 millions de dollars

Le Light­ning Net­work, qui per­met d’ef­fec­tuer des tran­sac­tions en marge de la blo­ck­chain du Bit­coin, a connu une crois­sance signi­fi­ca­tive au cours des der­niers mois.

Comme le montrent les chiffres de Defi­Pulse, la valeur totale pla­cée (TVL) sur le réseau Light­ning Net­work a aug­men­té de 1 273% en un an, pour atteindre les 165 mil­lions de dol­lars.

Ce mon­tant ne s’é­le­vait qu’à 12,05 mil­lions de dol­lars le 10 octobre 2020. Au cours des 30 der­niers jours, il s’est accru de 47%.

En termes de Bit­coins, ce sont 2 998 BTCs qui sont actuel­le­ment pla­cés sur le réseau, contre seule­ment 1 091 coins il y a un an :

Cela ne repré­sente tou­te­fois que 0,02% de l’offre actuelle de Bit­coins (18 837 087 BTCs).

Qu’est-ce que le Lightning Network ?

Le Light­ning Net­work est un réseau de « seconde couche », dont le « White Paper » avait été publié en jan­vier 2016.

Il per­met à ses uti­li­sa­teurs de béné­fi­cier de tran­sac­tions extrê­me­ment rapides, à des coûts très faibles. Il s’ap­puie pour cela sur des canaux de paie­ments, qui lui per­mettent de trai­ter des tran­sac­tions en dehors de la blo­ck­chain du Bit­coin. Il peut ain­si sur­mon­ter les limites du BTC, tout en béné­fi­ciant de ses qua­li­tés en termes de décen­tra­li­sa­tion et de sécurité.

« L’avenir du paiement »

Michael Say­lor, le PDG de l’en­tre­prise de logi­ciels MicroS­tra­te­gyqui détient actuel­le­ment 114 042 Bit­coins – a récem­ment décla­ré que « le Bit­coin, avec Light­ning, [repré­sen­tait] l’a­ve­nir du paie­ment dans le monde ».

#Bit­coin on #Light­ning⚡️ is the future of glo­bal pay­ments.

— Michael Say­lor⚡️ (@michael_saylor) Sep­tem­ber 23, 2021

L’u­ti­li­sa­tion crois­sante du réseau peut être en par­tie attri­buée à l’a­dop­tion du Bit­coin par le Sal­va­dor, au début du mois de sep­tembre. Les habi­tants y sont inci­tés à uti­li­ser le por­te­feuille Chi­vo, qui s’ap­puie sur Light­ning pour offrir des paie­ments simples et rapides.

Twitter : l’arrivée de « tips » en Bitcoin

Depuis quelques jours, Twit­ter a com­men­cé à intro­duire une nou­velle fonc­tion­na­li­té per­met­tant d’en­voyer des pour­boires en Bit­coin. Le réseau social s’ap­puie pour cela sur l’ap­pli­ca­tion Strike, elle-même ados­sée au Light­ning Net­work. Il peut ain­si pro­po­ser des paie­ments qua­si-ins­tan­ta­nés et quasi-gratuits.

Cette pos­si­bi­li­té est pour l’ins­tant réser­vée aux uti­li­sa­teurs d’iOS. Elle devrait bien­tôt être intro­duite sur la ver­sion Android.

La socié­té compte éga­le­ment pro­po­ser à ses uti­li­sa­teurs de lier leur cryp­to-por­te­feuille à leur compte afin de pou­voir affi­cher leurs NFTs en tant que pho­to de profil.

Retrouver l’article original de Crypto-France ici: Lien Source

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