Les NFT sont-ils de retour ? Les plus grandes collections voient leur floor price augmenter significativement

Les tokens non fongibles (NFT) profiteraient-ils de la hausse globale du marché des cryptomonnaies pour refaire parler d’eux ? C’est ce que semble indiquer les données on-chain, les collections « blue chip » voyant leur floor price augmenter de manière importante ces derniers temps.

L’article Les NFT sont-ils de retour ? Les plus grandes collections voient leur floor price augmenter significativement est apparu en premier sur Cryptoast.

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Le Metaverse a-t-il toujours un avenir avec l’industrie crypto ?

Le métavers et les cryptos représentaient à un moment donné un duo qui faisait rêver les acteurs de la technologie.

Leur combinaison laissait entrevoir de nouvelles possibilités : des mondes virtuels où tout est connecté, des expériences immersives, et des écosystèmes où chacun serait maître de ses actifs numériques. Mais bon, la réalité est un peu moins éclatante.

On se retrouve vite face à des plateformes fermées, des objets virtuels bloqués sur une seule blockchain et une expérience utilisateur qui peut parfois être un vrai casse-tête.

L’interopérabilité est le pilier de l’avenir du Metaverse

Aujourd’hui, le métaverse c’est comme une série de boîtes hermétiques qui fonctionnent aux antipodes de l’idée de communauté d’internet.

En effet, tout ce que vous pouvez gagner, acheter ou construire dans une plateforme reste coincé sur cette dernière.

Il vous sera incapable de les déplacer en dehors de cet écosystème, un peu comme si vous essayiez de faire passer un fichier Apple sur un PC des années 2000.

Et c’est là qu’arrive l’interopérabilité, un concept qui consiste à permettre aux joueurs de transporter leurs avatars, objets ou terrains virtuels d’une plateforme à une autre, le tout grâce à la blockchain.

Ainsi, après avoir passé des heures à fabriquer un personnage dans le jeu Farcana, vous pouvez directement le transférer dans Decentraland au lieu de devoir repartir de zéro dans un autre jeu.

Pour les développeurs, l’interopérabilité est également un véritable filon d’or.

En ouvrant leurs jeux à d’autres écosystèmes, ils peuvent attirer plus de monde, créer des économies hyper dynamiques, et filer aux joueurs une vraie sensation de contrôle sur ce qu’ils possèdent.

Les obstacles à surmonter pour une adoption généralisée

Si l’interopérabilité, sur le papier, c’est génial, en pratique, c’est beaucoup moins glamour.

Première embûche : la scalabilité. Les blockchains populaires du moment, Ethereum, galèrent encore à gérer un volume élevé de transactions.

Avec ses 30 transactions par seconde, Ethereum est à des années-lumière de PayPal qui atteint des niveaux de 193 TPS. Autre problème, et pas des moindres : la complexité du système pour l’utilisateur lambda.

Créer un portefeuille, acheter des crypto-monnaies, gérer des NFT… tout cela, c’est déjà un casse-tête pour un initié, alors pour quelqu’un qui n’y connaît rien, c’est juste excessivement compliqué.

En plus, il y a cette image persistante des jeux blockchain comme étant des machines à spéculer plutôt que des jeux funs et immersifs.

Les joueurs traditionnels ne veulent pas d’un casino numérique, ils veulent du divertissement, et pour l’instant, l’industrie crypto n’a pas encore réussi à casser ce stéréotype.

Enfin, il demeure encore un flou juridique autour de la propriété numérique, puisque les lois peinent à suivre l’évolution technologique. Tout cela freine l’adoption et empêche l’interopérabilité de vraiment décoller.

Un avenir prometteur malgré les défis

Malgré tous ces freins, l’avenir du métaverse connecté commence à se dessiner, et certains projets montrent déjà la voie.

Prenons Quantum Hosky, le nouveau projet de Charles Hoskinson, fondateur de Cardano. C’est un métavers multichaîne qui veut connecter différentes blockchains pour créer un espace où tout fonctionne ensemble.

En gros, c’est comme un hub central qui permettra à ses utilisateurs de naviguer entre plusieurs univers sans perdre ses actifs en route.

Et ils ne s’arrêtent pas là : ils intègrent même des IA et des systèmes futuristes comme des “personnages non joueurs” hyper réalistes ou objets virtuels qui évoluent selon le contexte.

Côté marché, les chiffres parlent d’eux-mêmes : plus d’un milliard de dollars investis dans les jeux blockchain rien qu’au deuxième trimestre 2024, et une projection qui mise sur un marché du Metaverse à 168 milliards de dollars d’ici à 2030.

Les plateformes comme Farcana et Decentraland continuent de travailler sur des écosystèmes ouverts où les joueurs peuvent utiliser, échanger ou monétiser leurs actifs entre différents jeux.

Ce genre d’approche pourrait bien transformer le métavers en un réseau mondial où chaque joueur, chaque développeur et chaque actif trouve sa place, créant un univers numérique où les frontières n’existent plus.

Sur le même sujet :

1,5 million de dollars pour le portefeuille Best Wallet 5 jours après le lancement de sa prévente publique – Son jeton en tête de la liste de Crypto.com
Meilleur airdrop de l’histoire : Hyperliquid lance son token HYPE
Un listing de ces cryptos sur Coinbase offrirait des bénéfices importants

The post Le Metaverse a-t-il toujours un avenir avec l’industrie crypto ? appeared first on Cryptonews France.

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NFT en folie, Bitcoin stagne : Le grand chamboulement des altcoins

Dans un contexte de volatilité accrue sur le marché crypto, le Bitcoin connaît une phase de consolidation après avoir frôlé les 100 000 dollars. Pendant ce temps, le secteur des stablecoins atteint des sommets historiques et le marché des NFT connaît un regain d’activité spectaculaire.

L’article NFT en folie, Bitcoin stagne : Le grand chamboulement des altcoins est apparu en premier sur Cointribune.

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Dreamcars : Posséder des voitures de luxe tout en gagnant un revenu passif

Dreamcars offre une plateforme innovante de location de voitures de luxe en s’appuyant sur la technologie blockchain. Les utilisateurs peuvent accéder à une propriété fractionnée de véhicules prestigieux comme Ferrari ou Lamborghini grâce à des NFT. Par ailleurs, ils peuvent générer des revenus passifs via le jeton $DCARS. Cette solution vise à démocratiser l’accès aux…

L’article Dreamcars : Posséder des voitures de luxe tout en gagnant un revenu passif est apparu en premier sur Cryptonaute.

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The Protocol: Bitcoin Bridged Trustlessly to L2; Ethereum’s Blob Mob

Welcome to The Protocol, CoinDesk’s weekly wrap-up of the most important stories in cryptocurrency tech development. I’m <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/author/marc-hochstein/ » target= »_blank »>Marc Hochstein</a>, CoinDesk’s deputy editor-in-chief for features, opinion and standards.


Ethereum’s blob mob

Staking on Starknet

Avalanche’s big upgrade

L2 teams beam over Beam Chain

Sui suffers a brief outage

Bitcoin bridged, trustlessly

This article is featured in the latest issue of <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/newsletters/the-protocol/ » target= »_blank »>The Protocol</a>, our weekly newsletter exploring the tech behind crypto, one block at a time. <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/newsletters/the-protocol/ » target= »_blank »>Sign up here</a> to get it in your inbox every Wednesday. Also please check out our weekly <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/podcasts/the-protocol/ » target= »_blank »>The Protocol</a> podcast.

Network news

BEAMING OVER THE BEAM CHAIN: What’s good for the L1 is good for the L2s. That’s the assessment the teams behind zkSync and Polygon, two of the leading layer-2 networks running on top of Ethereum, gave of Justin Drake’s proposal to overhaul the $400 billion blockchain, dismissing suggestions it would make their auxiliary networks redundant. “That’s really a misconception,” said Alex Gluchowski, the CEO of Matter Labs, the developer firm behind zkSync. “The changes that Justin announced are focused on the consensus layer, not on the execution layer. It’s not going to affect the execution layer.” In addition to incorporating ZK, Drake’s proposal seeks to shorten block times, which could cut transaction costs for L2s settling on Ethereum. Drake also said he wants to introduce single-slot finality, meaning blocks with transaction data could be finalized immediately, and that information would become permanent right away. “All of those things are great because we depend on Ethereum as the global settlement layer,” Gluchowski said. Brendan Farmer, a co-founder at Polygon, also told CoinDesk he doesn’t think the Beam Chain would obsolesce layer-2s. Instead, he said, the upgrade would “make rollups work better.” However, others in the crypto community were underwhelmed by the whole plan, lamenting in particular that Drake’s five-year timeline wasn’t ambitious enough, leaving ample room for centrally-developed chains like Solana to eat Ethereum’s lunch.” <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2024/11/21/ethereum-layer-2-teams-welcome-proposal-to-overhaul-blockchain » target= »_blank »>Read more</a>

SUI OUTAGE: Sui Network (SUI), a relatively new blockchain, experienced an unexpected two-hour outage on Thursday. The downtime was caused by a bug in its transaction scheduling logic, which led to its validator network crashing. The issue was resolved, the network said. Blockchain outages can take place for a plethora of reasons, ranging from a 51% attack to technical errors. A common error is that of nodes – or individual entities that process transactions – being unable to sync with each other, causing the blockchain to go offline. Software bugs may be another error vector, where outdated code can render the network’s processes inoperable. <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2024/11/21/sui-network-back-up-after-scheduling-bug-leads-to-two-hour-downtime-sui-recovers » target= »_blank »>Read more</a>

STAKING ON STARKNET: Starknet has become the first major rollup blockchain running on top of Ethereum to let users earn money by staking their tokens and validating transactions. (Metis was the first layer-2 to do so but is far smaller and is an « optimium, » a different kind of L2.) Now, anyone who has at least 20,000 STRK tokens (roughly $12,000 at recent prices) can pledge the asset as collateral and earn rewards for validating transactions. Users with less than 20,000 STRK can delegate their tokens to validators to stake on their behalf. (Validators that behave maliciously or neglect their duties stand to forfeit staked tokens.) Validators and delegators that want to withdraw staked tokens must wait 21 days to receive them as well as any rewards earned from staking. Implementing staking on Starknet is part of a multiphase plan. During this first phase, StarkWare, the company developing Starknet will study staking habits on the network, and from there will assess whether and how its validators can be given the additional responsibilities of creating and « attesting, » or confirming, blocks in the protocol. <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2024/11/26/crypto-staking-goes-live-on-starknet-in-first-for-ethereum-l2-blockchains » target= »_blank »>Read more</a>

AVALANCHE’S BIG UPGRADE: Avalanche, the eighth-largest blockchain by total value locked (TVL), is moving ahead with a major technical makeover. The Avalanche9000 upgrade went live in a test network environment Monday, bringing the changes one step closer to the main network. Avalanche9000 will be the largest upgrade that Avalanche has seen. It is designed to cut the costs of sending transactions, operating validators and building apps on the network, whose native token (AVAX) is the 11th-largest cryptocurrency, with a $16 billion market cap. The foundation is trying to attract developers to Avalanche and encourage users to create customized blockchains using its technology, known as subnets. Somewhat confusingly, subnets are now officially referred to in the Avalanche community as « L1s, » even though they are roughly analogous to the layer-2, or L2, networks that augment Ethereum and other blockchains. (Avalanche’s « primary network, » the equivalent of a layer-1 in other ecosystems, is considered a subnet.) The team is hoping to bring Avalanche9000 to mainnet by yearend. Among other changes, 9000 would allow for a new type of validator with which anyone can launch their own subnets. <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2024/11/25/avalanche-blockchains-largest-ever-upgrade-goes-live-on-testnet?_gl=1*1ycxzn7*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTExNTkwOTY0Ny4xNzMyNjM1NDE3*_ga_VM3STRYVN8*MTczMjYzNTQxNi4xLjEuMTczMjYzNTQyNS4wLjAuNzc0MTY1MjQy » target= »_blank »>Read more</a>

ONE-WAY TICKET: BitcoinOS, a smart contract project led by crypto O.G. <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2024/10/26/from-smuggling-gold-out-of-africa-to-bridging-bitcoin-and-cardano » target= »_blank »>Edan Yago</a>, has executed what it bills as the first trustless bridge transaction for any blockchain. Using zero-knowledge cryptography, a nominal amount of bitcoin (0.0002 BTC, about $19 and change) was locked up on the main blockchain’s testnet, and a proof was generated minting tokens on the testnet for Merlin Chain, a layer-2 network. No oracle or custodian was involved, according to BitcoinOS. For now, however, Merlin Chain is like the <a href= »https://genius.com/37517″ target= »_blank »>Hotel California</a> or a <a href= »https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXUQ_4gMoG0″ target= »_blank »>roach motel</a> for the bridged BTC. « This is one half of the bridge showing the ability to bridge assets from Bitcoin to an EVM, » BitcoinOS said in a press release. « Once the other half of the bridge is completed, Merlin Chain users can settle their Bitcoin-pegged assets back to the mainchain by proving that the tokens were burned. »

Ethereum’s Blob Mob

Usage of binary large objects, or blobs, has surged on the Ethereum network, signaling that more users are embracing layer-2 scaling tech for faster and more affordable transactions.

This year, Ethereum’s Dencun upgrade introduced blobs, which allow large chunks of data to be temporarily attached to transactions, and later deleted after the data is verified. (You can think of a blob as a <a href= »https://www.cyfrin.io/blog/what-is-eip-4844-proto-danksharding-and-blob-transactions#what-is-a-blob-transaction » target= »_blank »>sidecar that rides along with a motorcycle</a> for a time but eventually gets detached and discarded.) Layer-2 protocols such as BASE, Arbitrum, and Optimism use blobs to bundle transactions together, process them off-chain and then post them to the Ethereum main chain for verification without permanently gumming up the works.

The number of blobs posted to the network consistently averaged more than 21,000 this month, matching the record activity seen in March, according to pseudonymous data analyst Hildobby’s <a href= »https://dune.com/hildobby/blobs » target= »_blank »>Dune Analytics dashboard</a>.

Posting blobs costs a fee, which fluctuates depending on network conditions. The fees are paid in Ethereum’s native token ether, and are burned just like regular transaction fees, taking supply of ETH off the market, a positive for the coin’s price.

In this way, blobs mitigate the much-discussed cannibalization of the main chain by L2.

The blob base submission fee spiked as high as $80 on Monday, the highest since March, and the average number of blobs posted in each Ethereum block rose to 4.3. More importantly, blob fees have burned over 214 ETH worth $723,000 over the last seven days, the sixth largest source of fee burns on the network over that period, according to data from ultrasound.money.

<a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2024/11/26/ethereum-blob-usage-explodes-as-traders-rush-to-layer-2-solutions » target= »_blank »>CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL ANALYSIS BY COINDESK’S OMKAR GODBOLE</a>

Money Center

Vibe shift

<a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/business/2024/11/22/coinbase-app-gets-left-behind-as-memecoin-craze-drives-traders-on-chain?_gl=1*12vt1du*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTExNTkwOTY0Ny4xNzMyNjM1NDE3*_ga_VM3STRYVN8*MTczMjYzNTQxNi4xLjEuMTczMjYzNTQyNS4wLjAuNzc0MTY1MjQy » target= »_blank »>Coinbase App Gets Left Behind as Memecoin Craze Drives Traders On-Chain</a>

Not just fun and games?

<a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/opinion/2024/11/25/why-memecoins-matter » target= »_blank »>Why Memecoins Matter</a>

Bringing in the big Sun

<a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/business/2024/11/25/trumps-sluggish-de-fi-project-gets-a-big-boost-from-justin-suns-30-m-token-purchase?_gl=1*lnsg8n*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTExNTkwOTY0Ny4xNzMyNjM1NDE3*_ga_VM3STRYVN8*MTczMjYzNTQxNi4xLjEuMTczMjYzNTQyNS4wLjAuNzc0MTY1MjQy » target= »_blank »>Trump’s Sluggish DeFi Project Gets a Big Boost From Justin Sun’s $30M Token Purchase</a>

<a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/business/2024/11/26/justin-sun-joins-donald-trumps-world-liberty-financial-as-adviser?_gl=1*lnsg8n*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTExNTkwOTY0Ny4xNzMyNjM1NDE3*_ga_VM3STRYVN8*MTczMjYzNTQxNi4xLjEuMTczMjYzNTQyNS4wLjAuNzc0MTY1MjQy » target= »_blank »>Justin Sun Joins Donald Trump’s World Liberty Financial as Adviser</a>

« Reports are greatly exaggerated »

<a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2024/11/27/think-ethereum-s-eth-is-dead-surging-metrics-show-otherwise » target= »_blank »>Think Ethereum’s ETH is Dead? Surging Metrics Show Otherwise</a>


Dec. 4-5: <a href= »https://indiablockchainweek.com/ » target= »_blank »>India Blockchain Week</a>, Bangalore

Dec. 5-6: <a href= »https://www.theblock.co/post/283406/the-block-launches-emergence-a-premier-conference-for-the-digital-assets-industry » target= »_blank »>Emergence</a>, Prague

Dec. 9-12: <a href= »https://adfw.com/ » target= »_blank »>Abu Dhabi Finance Week</a>

Dec. 11-12: <a href= »https://newyork.theaisummit.com/ » target= »_blank »>AI Summit NYC</a>

Dec. 11-14: <a href= »https://www.taipeiblockchainweek.com/ » target= »_blank »>Taipei Blockchain Week</a>

Jan 9-12, 2025: <a href= »https://www.ces.tech/ » target= »_blank »>CES</a>, Las Vegas

Jan. 15-19: <a href= »https://www.weforum.org/events/world-economic-forum-annual-meeting-2024″ target= »_blank »>World Economic Forum</a>, Davos, Switzerland

January 21-25: <a href= »https://329b0589.isolation.zscaler.com/profile/2332cf23-bc6a-418b-a941-f595d0e3ea25/zia-session/?controls_id=22337358-9ef1-4c14-8042-bae40f505928&region=pdx&tenant=cac35314c425&user=065ae33aa0b7fd8bb4e9ae9286b2fcf7c62d677db428d6cd9b6e4d01e6ffa098&original_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwagmi.miami%2F&key=sh-1&hmac=5349b2cbc41b5242c21267747a0dc197c5cb3cc3c860fe73f8de2f049e1adea8″ target= »_blank »>WAGMI conference</a>, Miami.

Jan. 24-25: <a href= »https://adoptingbitcoin.org/capetown-2024/ » target= »_blank »>Adopting Bitcoin</a>, Cape Town, South Africa.

Jan. 30-31: <a href= »https://planb.sv/ » target= »_blank »>PLAN B Forum</a>, San Salvador, El Salvador.

Feb. 1-6: <a href= »https://satoshiroundtable.org/ » target= »_blank »>Satoshi Roundtable</a>, Dubai

Feb. 19-20, 2025: <a href= »https://consensus-hongkong2025.coindesk.com/ » target= »_blank »>ConsensusHK</a>, Hong Kong.

Feb. 23-24: <a href= »https://www.nftparis.xyz/ » target= »_blank »>NFT Paris</a>

Feb 23-March 2: <a href= »https://www.ethdenver.com/ » target= »_blank »>ETHDenver</a>

May 14-16: <a href= »https://consensus2025.coindesk.com/ » target= »_blank »>Consensus</a>, Toronto.

May 27-29: <a href= »https://x.com/LasVegasLocally/status/1817280637457551831″ target= »_blank »>Bitcoin 2025</a>, Las Vegas.

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Line, With an Eye on Telegram’s In-App Games Success, to Launch Mini Dapps Next Year

Japanese messaging app giant Line plans to give its 196 million active users the ability to use decentralized apps (dapps) such as games and utilities.

The social network, which is mainly used in Japan, Taiwan, Thailand and Indonesia, will debut with 30 dapps in its portal by the end of January and plans for a further 150 by the end of the first quarter, said Sam Seo, the chairman of Kaia DLT Foundation, whose Kaia blockchain will host the applications.

Line’s initiative reflects a growing trend of social media and messaging apps integrating blockchain technology to offer a wider range of services. Telegram, which has <a href= »https://www.ft.com/content/8d6ceb0d-4cdb-4165-bdfa-4b95b3e07b2a » target= »_blank »>more than 900 million users</a>, offers games including Catizen and <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/consensus-magazine/2024/07/08/what-hamster-kombat-did-how-telegram-built-a-web3-gaming-juggernaut/ » target= »_blank »>Hamster Kombat</a> over The Open Network (TON) blockchain. The so-called mini dapps (dapps within apps) also build on the popularity of utility functions added to programs such as WeChat.

“Games are the biggest portion, » Seo said in an interview with CoinDesk. « The others are social apps, some <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/learn/what-is-defi/ » target= »_blank »>DeFi</a> and AI-based chatting dapps.”

The move to dapps comes after the relative failure of earlier blockchain experiments with NFT functionality. In March 2023, Instagram said it would disable the NFT features it introduced the previous year that allowed people to share NFTs they created or bought. And while Reddit’s Digital Collectibles still exist, Collectible Expressions — which were used to animate them — were removed in July this year.

Line itself also made a foray into NFTs, starting an NFT marketplace in Japan in April 2022 and rolling out its own-brand NFT stickers.

“NFTs are too complicated for the normal users. The ideas were good, but I think we needed to improve the UX and UI,” Seo said, referring to the user experience and user interface.

“Previously, the way that users and even creators were looking at NFTs was just as an investment tool, rather than a tool for ownership. I think that was a kind of mismatch between the intention and then the result.”

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The Protocol: Bitcoin Bridged Trustlessly to L2; Ethereum’s Blob Mob

Welcome to The Protocol, CoinDesk’s weekly wrap-up of the most important stories in cryptocurrency tech development. I’m <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/author/marc-hochstein/ » target= »_blank »>Marc Hochstein</a>, CoinDesk’s deputy editor-in-chief for features, opinion and standards.


Ethereum’s blob mob

Staking on Starknet

Avalanche’s big upgrade

L2 teams beam over Beam Chain

Sui suffers a brief outage

Bitcoin bridged, trustlessly

This article is featured in the latest issue of <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/newsletters/the-protocol/ » target= »_blank »>The Protocol</a>, our weekly newsletter exploring the tech behind crypto, one block at a time. <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/newsletters/the-protocol/ » target= »_blank »>Sign up here</a> to get it in your inbox every Wednesday. Also please check out our weekly <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/podcasts/the-protocol/ » target= »_blank »>The Protocol</a> podcast.

Network news

BEAMING OVER THE BEAM CHAIN: What’s good for the L1 is good for the L2s. That’s the assessment the teams behind zkSync and Polygon, two of the leading layer-2 networks running on top of Ethereum, gave of Justin Drake’s proposal to overhaul the $400 billion blockchain, dismissing suggestions it would make their auxiliary networks redundant. “That’s really a misconception,” said Alex Gluchowski, the CEO of Matter Labs, the developer firm behind zkSync. “The changes that Justin announced are focused on the consensus layer, not on the execution layer. It’s not going to affect the execution layer.” In addition to incorporating ZK, Drake’s proposal seeks to shorten block times, which could cut transaction costs for L2s settling on Ethereum. Drake also said he wants to introduce single-slot finality, meaning blocks with transaction data could be finalized immediately, and that information would become permanent right away. “All of those things are great because we depend on Ethereum as the global settlement layer,” Gluchowski said. Brendan Farmer, a co-founder at Polygon, also told CoinDesk he doesn’t think the Beam Chain would obsolesce layer-2s. Instead, he said, the upgrade would “make rollups work better.” However, others in the crypto community were underwhelmed by the whole plan, lamenting in particular that Drake’s five-year timeline wasn’t ambitious enough, leaving ample room for centrally-developed chains like Solana to eat Ethereum’s lunch.” <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2024/11/21/ethereum-layer-2-teams-welcome-proposal-to-overhaul-blockchain » target= »_blank »>Read more</a>

SUI OUTAGE: Sui Network (SUI), a relatively new blockchain, experienced an unexpected two-hour outage on Thursday. The downtime was caused by a bug in its transaction scheduling logic, which led to its validator network crashing. The issue was resolved, the network said. Blockchain outages can take place for a plethora of reasons, ranging from a 51% attack to technical errors. A common error is that of nodes – or individual entities that process transactions – being unable to sync with each other, causing the blockchain to go offline. Software bugs may be another error vector, where outdated code can render the network’s processes inoperable. <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2024/11/21/sui-network-back-up-after-scheduling-bug-leads-to-two-hour-downtime-sui-recovers » target= »_blank »>Read more</a>

STAKING ON STARKNET: Starknet has become the first major rollup blockchain running on top of Ethereum to let users earn money by staking their tokens and validating transactions. (Metis was the first layer-2 to do so but is far smaller and is an « optimium, » a different kind of L2.) Now, anyone who has at least 20,000 STRK tokens (roughly $12,000 at recent prices) can pledge the asset as collateral and earn rewards for validating transactions. Users with less than 20,000 STRK can delegate their tokens to validators to stake on their behalf. (Validators that behave maliciously or neglect their duties stand to forfeit staked tokens.) Validators and delegators that want to withdraw staked tokens must wait 21 days to receive them as well as any rewards earned from staking. Implementing staking on Starknet is part of a multiphase plan. During this first phase, StarkWare, the company developing Starknet will study staking habits on the network, and from there will assess whether and how its validators can be given the additional responsibilities of creating and « attesting, » or confirming, blocks in the protocol. <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2024/11/26/crypto-staking-goes-live-on-starknet-in-first-for-ethereum-l2-blockchains » target= »_blank »>Read more</a>

AVALANCHE’S BIG UPGRADE: Avalanche, the eighth-largest blockchain by total value locked (TVL), is moving ahead with a major technical makeover. The Avalanche9000 upgrade went live in a test network environment Monday, bringing the changes one step closer to the main network. Avalanche9000 will be the largest upgrade that Avalanche has seen. It is designed to cut the costs of sending transactions, operating validators and building apps on the network, whose native token (AVAX) is the 11th-largest cryptocurrency, with a $16 billion market cap. The foundation is trying to attract developers to Avalanche and encourage users to create customized blockchains using its technology, known as subnets. Somewhat confusingly, subnets are now officially referred to in the Avalanche community as « L1s, » even though they are roughly analogous to the layer-2, or L2, networks that augment Ethereum and other blockchains. (Avalanche’s « primary network, » the equivalent of a layer-1 in other ecosystems, is considered a subnet.) The team is hoping to bring Avalanche9000 to mainnet by yearend. Among other changes, 9000 would allow for a new type of validator with which anyone can launch their own subnets. <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2024/11/25/avalanche-blockchains-largest-ever-upgrade-goes-live-on-testnet?_gl=1*1ycxzn7*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTExNTkwOTY0Ny4xNzMyNjM1NDE3*_ga_VM3STRYVN8*MTczMjYzNTQxNi4xLjEuMTczMjYzNTQyNS4wLjAuNzc0MTY1MjQy » target= »_blank »>Read more</a>

ONE-WAY TICKET: BitcoinOS, a smart contract project led by crypto O.G. <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2024/10/26/from-smuggling-gold-out-of-africa-to-bridging-bitcoin-and-cardano » target= »_blank »>Edan Yago</a>, has executed what it bills as the first trustless bridge transaction for any blockchain. Using zero-knowledge cryptography, a nominal amount of bitcoin (0.0002 BTC, about $19 and change) was locked up on the main blockchain’s testnet, and a proof was generated minting tokens on the testnet for Merlin Chain, a layer-2 network. No oracle or custodian was involved, according to BitcoinOS. For now, however, Merlin Chain is like the <a href= »https://genius.com/37517″ target= »_blank »>Hotel California</a> or a <a href= »https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXUQ_4gMoG0″ target= »_blank »>roach motel</a> for the bridged BTC. « This is one half of the bridge showing the ability to bridge assets from Bitcoin to an EVM, » BitcoinOS said in a press release. « Once the other half of the bridge is completed, Merlin Chain users can settle their Bitcoin-pegged assets back to the mainchain by proving that the tokens were burned. »

Ethereum’s Blob Mob

Usage of binary large objects, or blobs, has surged on the Ethereum network, signaling that more users are embracing layer-2 scaling tech for faster and more affordable transactions.

This year, Ethereum’s Dencun upgrade introduced blobs, which allow large chunks of data to be temporarily attached to transactions, and later deleted after the data is verified. (You can think of a blob as a <a href= »https://www.cyfrin.io/blog/what-is-eip-4844-proto-danksharding-and-blob-transactions#what-is-a-blob-transaction » target= »_blank »>sidecar that rides along with a motorcycle</a> for a time but eventually gets detached and discarded.) Layer-2 protocols such as BASE, Arbitrum, and Optimism use blobs to bundle transactions together, process them off-chain and then post them to the Ethereum main chain for verification without permanently gumming up the works.

The number of blobs posted to the network consistently averaged more than 21,000 this month, matching the record activity seen in March, according to pseudonymous data analyst Hildobby’s <a href= »https://dune.com/hildobby/blobs » target= »_blank »>Dune Analytics dashboard</a>.

Posting blobs costs a fee, which fluctuates depending on network conditions. The fees are paid in Ethereum’s native token ether, and are burned just like regular transaction fees, taking supply of ETH off the market, a positive for the coin’s price.

In this way, blobs mitigate the much-discussed cannibalization of the main chain by L2.

The blob base submission fee spiked as high as $80 on Monday, the highest since March, and the average number of blobs posted in each Ethereum block rose to 4.3. More importantly, blob fees have burned over 214 ETH worth $723,000 over the last seven days, the sixth largest source of fee burns on the network over that period, according to data from ultrasound.money.

<a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2024/11/26/ethereum-blob-usage-explodes-as-traders-rush-to-layer-2-solutions » target= »_blank »>CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL ANALYSIS BY COINDESK’S OMKAR GODBOLE</a>

Money Center

Vibe shift

<a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/business/2024/11/22/coinbase-app-gets-left-behind-as-memecoin-craze-drives-traders-on-chain?_gl=1*12vt1du*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTExNTkwOTY0Ny4xNzMyNjM1NDE3*_ga_VM3STRYVN8*MTczMjYzNTQxNi4xLjEuMTczMjYzNTQyNS4wLjAuNzc0MTY1MjQy » target= »_blank »>Coinbase App Gets Left Behind as Memecoin Craze Drives Traders On-Chain</a>

Not just fun and games?

<a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/opinion/2024/11/25/why-memecoins-matter » target= »_blank »>Why Memecoins Matter</a>

Bringing in the big Sun

<a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/business/2024/11/25/trumps-sluggish-de-fi-project-gets-a-big-boost-from-justin-suns-30-m-token-purchase?_gl=1*lnsg8n*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTExNTkwOTY0Ny4xNzMyNjM1NDE3*_ga_VM3STRYVN8*MTczMjYzNTQxNi4xLjEuMTczMjYzNTQyNS4wLjAuNzc0MTY1MjQy » target= »_blank »>Trump’s Sluggish DeFi Project Gets a Big Boost From Justin Sun’s $30M Token Purchase</a>

<a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/business/2024/11/26/justin-sun-joins-donald-trumps-world-liberty-financial-as-adviser?_gl=1*lnsg8n*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTExNTkwOTY0Ny4xNzMyNjM1NDE3*_ga_VM3STRYVN8*MTczMjYzNTQxNi4xLjEuMTczMjYzNTQyNS4wLjAuNzc0MTY1MjQy » target= »_blank »>Justin Sun Joins Donald Trump’s World Liberty Financial as Adviser</a>

« Reports are greatly exaggerated »

<a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2024/11/27/think-ethereum-s-eth-is-dead-surging-metrics-show-otherwise » target= »_blank »>Think Ethereum’s ETH is Dead? Surging Metrics Show Otherwise</a>


Dec. 4-5: <a href= »https://indiablockchainweek.com/ » target= »_blank »>India Blockchain Week</a>, Bangalore

Dec. 5-6: <a href= »https://www.theblock.co/post/283406/the-block-launches-emergence-a-premier-conference-for-the-digital-assets-industry » target= »_blank »>Emergence</a>, Prague

Dec. 9-12: <a href= »https://adfw.com/ » target= »_blank »>Abu Dhabi Finance Week</a>

Dec. 11-12: <a href= »https://newyork.theaisummit.com/ » target= »_blank »>AI Summit NYC</a>

Dec. 11-14: <a href= »https://www.taipeiblockchainweek.com/ » target= »_blank »>Taipei Blockchain Week</a>

Jan 9-12, 2025: <a href= »https://www.ces.tech/ » target= »_blank »>CES</a>, Las Vegas

Jan. 15-19: <a href= »https://www.weforum.org/events/world-economic-forum-annual-meeting-2024″ target= »_blank »>World Economic Forum</a>, Davos, Switzerland

January 21-25: <a href= »https://329b0589.isolation.zscaler.com/profile/2332cf23-bc6a-418b-a941-f595d0e3ea25/zia-session/?controls_id=22337358-9ef1-4c14-8042-bae40f505928&region=pdx&tenant=cac35314c425&user=065ae33aa0b7fd8bb4e9ae9286b2fcf7c62d677db428d6cd9b6e4d01e6ffa098&original_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwagmi.miami%2F&key=sh-1&hmac=5349b2cbc41b5242c21267747a0dc197c5cb3cc3c860fe73f8de2f049e1adea8″ target= »_blank »>WAGMI conference</a>, Miami.

Jan. 24-25: <a href= »https://adoptingbitcoin.org/capetown-2024/ » target= »_blank »>Adopting Bitcoin</a>, Cape Town, South Africa.

Jan. 30-31: <a href= »https://planb.sv/ » target= »_blank »>PLAN B Forum</a>, San Salvador, El Salvador.

Feb. 1-6: <a href= »https://satoshiroundtable.org/ » target= »_blank »>Satoshi Roundtable</a>, Dubai

Feb. 19-20, 2025: <a href= »https://consensus-hongkong2025.coindesk.com/ » target= »_blank »>ConsensusHK</a>, Hong Kong.

Feb. 23-24: <a href= »https://www.nftparis.xyz/ » target= »_blank »>NFT Paris</a>

Feb 23-March 2: <a href= »https://www.ethdenver.com/ » target= »_blank »>ETHDenver</a>

May 14-16: <a href= »https://consensus2025.coindesk.com/ » target= »_blank »>Consensus</a>, Toronto.

May 27-29: <a href= »https://x.com/LasVegasLocally/status/1817280637457551831″ target= »_blank »>Bitcoin 2025</a>, Las Vegas.

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Catégorisé comme Non classé

Line, With an Eye on Telegram’s In-App Games Success, to Launch Mini Dapps Next Year

Japanese messaging app giant Line plans to give its 196 million active users the ability to use decentralized apps (dapps) such as games and utilities.

The social network, which is mainly used in Japan, Taiwan, Thailand and Indonesia, will debut with 30 dapps in its portal by the end of January and plans for a further 150 by the end of the first quarter, said Sam Seo, the chairman of Kaia DLT Foundation, whose Kaia blockchain will host the applications.

Line’s initiative reflects a growing trend of social media and messaging apps integrating blockchain technology to offer a wider range of services. Telegram, which has <a href= »https://www.ft.com/content/8d6ceb0d-4cdb-4165-bdfa-4b95b3e07b2a » target= »_blank »>more than 900 million users</a>, offers games including Catizen and <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/consensus-magazine/2024/07/08/what-hamster-kombat-did-how-telegram-built-a-web3-gaming-juggernaut/ » target= »_blank »>Hamster Kombat</a> over The Open Network (TON) blockchain. The so-called mini dapps (dapps within apps) also build on the popularity of utility functions added to programs such as WeChat.

“Games are the biggest portion, » Seo said in an interview with CoinDesk. « The others are social apps, some <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/learn/what-is-defi/ » target= »_blank »>DeFi</a> and AI-based chatting dapps.”

The move to dapps comes after the relative failure of earlier blockchain experiments with NFT functionality. In March 2023, Instagram said it would disable the NFT features it introduced the previous year that allowed people to share NFTs they created or bought. And while Reddit’s Digital Collectibles still exist, Collectible Expressions — which were used to animate them — were removed in July this year.

Line itself also made a foray into NFTs, starting an NFT marketplace in Japan in April 2022 and rolling out its own-brand NFT stickers.

“NFTs are too complicated for the normal users. The ideas were good, but I think we needed to improve the UX and UI,” Seo said, referring to the user experience and user interface.

“Previously, the way that users and even creators were looking at NFTs was just as an investment tool, rather than a tool for ownership. I think that was a kind of mismatch between the intention and then the result.”

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The Protocol: Bitcoin Bridged Trustlessly to L2; Ethereum’s Blob Mob

Welcome to The Protocol, CoinDesk’s weekly wrap-up of the most important stories in cryptocurrency tech development. I’m <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/author/marc-hochstein/ » target= »_blank »>Marc Hochstein</a>, CoinDesk’s deputy editor-in-chief for features, opinion and standards.


Ethereum’s blob mob

Staking on Starknet

Avalanche’s big upgrade

L2 teams beam over Beam Chain

Sui suffers a brief outage

Bitcoin bridged, trustlessly

This article is featured in the latest issue of <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/newsletters/the-protocol/ » target= »_blank »>The Protocol</a>, our weekly newsletter exploring the tech behind crypto, one block at a time. <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/newsletters/the-protocol/ » target= »_blank »>Sign up here</a> to get it in your inbox every Wednesday. Also please check out our weekly <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/podcasts/the-protocol/ » target= »_blank »>The Protocol</a> podcast.

Network news

BEAMING OVER THE BEAM CHAIN: What’s good for the L1 is good for the L2s. That’s the assessment the teams behind zkSync and Polygon, two of the leading layer-2 networks running on top of Ethereum, gave of Justin Drake’s proposal to overhaul the $400 billion blockchain, dismissing suggestions it would make their auxiliary networks redundant. “That’s really a misconception,” said Alex Gluchowski, the CEO of Matter Labs, the developer firm behind zkSync. “The changes that Justin announced are focused on the consensus layer, not on the execution layer. It’s not going to affect the execution layer.” In addition to incorporating ZK, Drake’s proposal seeks to shorten block times, which could cut transaction costs for L2s settling on Ethereum. Drake also said he wants to introduce single-slot finality, meaning blocks with transaction data could be finalized immediately, and that information would become permanent right away. “All of those things are great because we depend on Ethereum as the global settlement layer,” Gluchowski said. Brendan Farmer, a co-founder at Polygon, also told CoinDesk he doesn’t think the Beam Chain would obsolesce layer-2s. Instead, he said, the upgrade would “make rollups work better.” However, others in the crypto community were underwhelmed by the whole plan, lamenting in particular that Drake’s five-year timeline wasn’t ambitious enough, leaving ample room for centrally-developed chains like Solana to eat Ethereum’s lunch.” <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2024/11/21/ethereum-layer-2-teams-welcome-proposal-to-overhaul-blockchain » target= »_blank »>Read more</a>

SUI OUTAGE: Sui Network (SUI), a relatively new blockchain, experienced an unexpected two-hour outage on Thursday. The downtime was caused by a bug in its transaction scheduling logic, which led to its validator network crashing. The issue was resolved, the network said. Blockchain outages can take place for a plethora of reasons, ranging from a 51% attack to technical errors. A common error is that of nodes – or individual entities that process transactions – being unable to sync with each other, causing the blockchain to go offline. Software bugs may be another error vector, where outdated code can render the network’s processes inoperable. <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2024/11/21/sui-network-back-up-after-scheduling-bug-leads-to-two-hour-downtime-sui-recovers » target= »_blank »>Read more</a>

STAKING ON STARKNET: Starknet has become the first major rollup blockchain running on top of Ethereum to let users earn money by staking their tokens and validating transactions. (Metis was the first layer-2 to do so but is far smaller and is an « optimium, » a different kind of L2.) Now, anyone who has at least 20,000 STRK tokens (roughly $12,000 at recent prices) can pledge the asset as collateral and earn rewards for validating transactions. Users with less than 20,000 STRK can delegate their tokens to validators to stake on their behalf. (Validators that behave maliciously or neglect their duties stand to forfeit staked tokens.) Validators and delegators that want to withdraw staked tokens must wait 21 days to receive them as well as any rewards earned from staking. Implementing staking on Starknet is part of a multiphase plan. During this first phase, StarkWare, the company developing Starknet will study staking habits on the network, and from there will assess whether and how its validators can be given the additional responsibilities of creating and « attesting, » or confirming, blocks in the protocol. <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2024/11/26/crypto-staking-goes-live-on-starknet-in-first-for-ethereum-l2-blockchains » target= »_blank »>Read more</a>

AVALANCHE’S BIG UPGRADE: Avalanche, the eighth-largest blockchain by total value locked (TVL), is moving ahead with a major technical makeover. The Avalanche9000 upgrade went live in a test network environment Monday, bringing the changes one step closer to the main network. Avalanche9000 will be the largest upgrade that Avalanche has seen. It is designed to cut the costs of sending transactions, operating validators and building apps on the network, whose native token (AVAX) is the 11th-largest cryptocurrency, with a $16 billion market cap. The foundation is trying to attract developers to Avalanche and encourage users to create customized blockchains using its technology, known as subnets. Somewhat confusingly, subnets are now officially referred to in the Avalanche community as « L1s, » even though they are roughly analogous to the layer-2, or L2, networks that augment Ethereum and other blockchains. (Avalanche’s « primary network, » the equivalent of a layer-1 in other ecosystems, is considered a subnet.) The team is hoping to bring Avalanche9000 to mainnet by yearend. Among other changes, 9000 would allow for a new type of validator with which anyone can launch their own subnets. <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2024/11/25/avalanche-blockchains-largest-ever-upgrade-goes-live-on-testnet?_gl=1*1ycxzn7*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTExNTkwOTY0Ny4xNzMyNjM1NDE3*_ga_VM3STRYVN8*MTczMjYzNTQxNi4xLjEuMTczMjYzNTQyNS4wLjAuNzc0MTY1MjQy » target= »_blank »>Read more</a>

ONE-WAY TICKET: BitcoinOS, a smart contract project led by crypto O.G. <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2024/10/26/from-smuggling-gold-out-of-africa-to-bridging-bitcoin-and-cardano » target= »_blank »>Edan Yago</a>, has executed what it bills as the first trustless bridge transaction for any blockchain. Using zero-knowledge cryptography, a nominal amount of bitcoin (0.0002 BTC, about $19 and change) was locked up on the main blockchain’s testnet, and a proof was generated minting tokens on the testnet for Merlin Chain, a layer-2 network. No oracle or custodian was involved, according to BitcoinOS. For now, however, Merlin Chain is like the <a href= »https://genius.com/37517″ target= »_blank »>Hotel California</a> or a <a href= »https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXUQ_4gMoG0″ target= »_blank »>roach motel</a> for the bridged BTC. « This is one half of the bridge showing the ability to bridge assets from Bitcoin to an EVM, » BitcoinOS said in a press release. « Once the other half of the bridge is completed, Merlin Chain users can settle their Bitcoin-pegged assets back to the mainchain by proving that the tokens were burned. »

Ethereum’s Blob Mob

Usage of binary large objects, or blobs, has surged on the Ethereum network, signaling that more users are embracing layer-2 scaling tech for faster and more affordable transactions.

This year, Ethereum’s Dencun upgrade introduced blobs, which allow large chunks of data to be temporarily attached to transactions, and later deleted after the data is verified. (You can think of a blob as a <a href= »https://www.cyfrin.io/blog/what-is-eip-4844-proto-danksharding-and-blob-transactions#what-is-a-blob-transaction » target= »_blank »>sidecar that rides along with a motorcycle</a> for a time but eventually gets detached and discarded.) Layer-2 protocols such as BASE, Arbitrum, and Optimism use blobs to bundle transactions together, process them off-chain and then post them to the Ethereum main chain for verification without permanently gumming up the works.

The number of blobs posted to the network consistently averaged more than 21,000 this month, matching the record activity seen in March, according to pseudonymous data analyst Hildobby’s <a href= »https://dune.com/hildobby/blobs » target= »_blank »>Dune Analytics dashboard</a>.

Posting blobs costs a fee, which fluctuates depending on network conditions. The fees are paid in Ethereum’s native token ether, and are burned just like regular transaction fees, taking supply of ETH off the market, a positive for the coin’s price.

In this way, blobs mitigate the much-discussed cannibalization of the main chain by L2.

The blob base submission fee spiked as high as $80 on Monday, the highest since March, and the average number of blobs posted in each Ethereum block rose to 4.3. More importantly, blob fees have burned over 214 ETH worth $723,000 over the last seven days, the sixth largest source of fee burns on the network over that period, according to data from ultrasound.money.

<a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2024/11/26/ethereum-blob-usage-explodes-as-traders-rush-to-layer-2-solutions » target= »_blank »>CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL ANALYSIS BY COINDESK’S OMKAR GODBOLE</a>

Money Center

Vibe shift

<a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/business/2024/11/22/coinbase-app-gets-left-behind-as-memecoin-craze-drives-traders-on-chain?_gl=1*12vt1du*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTExNTkwOTY0Ny4xNzMyNjM1NDE3*_ga_VM3STRYVN8*MTczMjYzNTQxNi4xLjEuMTczMjYzNTQyNS4wLjAuNzc0MTY1MjQy » target= »_blank »>Coinbase App Gets Left Behind as Memecoin Craze Drives Traders On-Chain</a>

Not just fun and games?

<a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/opinion/2024/11/25/why-memecoins-matter » target= »_blank »>Why Memecoins Matter</a>

Bringing in the big Sun

<a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/business/2024/11/25/trumps-sluggish-de-fi-project-gets-a-big-boost-from-justin-suns-30-m-token-purchase?_gl=1*lnsg8n*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTExNTkwOTY0Ny4xNzMyNjM1NDE3*_ga_VM3STRYVN8*MTczMjYzNTQxNi4xLjEuMTczMjYzNTQyNS4wLjAuNzc0MTY1MjQy » target= »_blank »>Trump’s Sluggish DeFi Project Gets a Big Boost From Justin Sun’s $30M Token Purchase</a>

<a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/business/2024/11/26/justin-sun-joins-donald-trumps-world-liberty-financial-as-adviser?_gl=1*lnsg8n*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTExNTkwOTY0Ny4xNzMyNjM1NDE3*_ga_VM3STRYVN8*MTczMjYzNTQxNi4xLjEuMTczMjYzNTQyNS4wLjAuNzc0MTY1MjQy » target= »_blank »>Justin Sun Joins Donald Trump’s World Liberty Financial as Adviser</a>

« Reports are greatly exaggerated »

<a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2024/11/27/think-ethereum-s-eth-is-dead-surging-metrics-show-otherwise » target= »_blank »>Think Ethereum’s ETH is Dead? Surging Metrics Show Otherwise</a>


Dec. 4-5: <a href= »https://indiablockchainweek.com/ » target= »_blank »>India Blockchain Week</a>, Bangalore

Dec. 5-6: <a href= »https://www.theblock.co/post/283406/the-block-launches-emergence-a-premier-conference-for-the-digital-assets-industry » target= »_blank »>Emergence</a>, Prague

Dec. 9-12: <a href= »https://adfw.com/ » target= »_blank »>Abu Dhabi Finance Week</a>

Dec. 11-12: <a href= »https://newyork.theaisummit.com/ » target= »_blank »>AI Summit NYC</a>

Dec. 11-14: <a href= »https://www.taipeiblockchainweek.com/ » target= »_blank »>Taipei Blockchain Week</a>

Jan 9-12, 2025: <a href= »https://www.ces.tech/ » target= »_blank »>CES</a>, Las Vegas

Jan. 15-19: <a href= »https://www.weforum.org/events/world-economic-forum-annual-meeting-2024″ target= »_blank »>World Economic Forum</a>, Davos, Switzerland

January 21-25: <a href= »https://329b0589.isolation.zscaler.com/profile/2332cf23-bc6a-418b-a941-f595d0e3ea25/zia-session/?controls_id=22337358-9ef1-4c14-8042-bae40f505928&region=pdx&tenant=cac35314c425&user=065ae33aa0b7fd8bb4e9ae9286b2fcf7c62d677db428d6cd9b6e4d01e6ffa098&original_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwagmi.miami%2F&key=sh-1&hmac=5349b2cbc41b5242c21267747a0dc197c5cb3cc3c860fe73f8de2f049e1adea8″ target= »_blank »>WAGMI conference</a>, Miami.

Jan. 24-25: <a href= »https://adoptingbitcoin.org/capetown-2024/ » target= »_blank »>Adopting Bitcoin</a>, Cape Town, South Africa.

Jan. 30-31: <a href= »https://planb.sv/ » target= »_blank »>PLAN B Forum</a>, San Salvador, El Salvador.

Feb. 1-6: <a href= »https://satoshiroundtable.org/ » target= »_blank »>Satoshi Roundtable</a>, Dubai

Feb. 19-20, 2025: <a href= »https://consensus-hongkong2025.coindesk.com/ » target= »_blank »>ConsensusHK</a>, Hong Kong.

Feb. 23-24: <a href= »https://www.nftparis.xyz/ » target= »_blank »>NFT Paris</a>

Feb 23-March 2: <a href= »https://www.ethdenver.com/ » target= »_blank »>ETHDenver</a>

May 14-16: <a href= »https://consensus2025.coindesk.com/ » target= »_blank »>Consensus</a>, Toronto.

May 27-29: <a href= »https://x.com/LasVegasLocally/status/1817280637457551831″ target= »_blank »>Bitcoin 2025</a>, Las Vegas.

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Line, With an Eye on Telegram’s In-App Games Success, to Launch Mini Dapps Next Year

Japanese messaging app giant Line plans to give its 196 million active users the ability to use decentralized apps (dapps) such as games and utilities.

The social network, which is mainly used in Japan, Taiwan, Thailand and Indonesia, will debut with 30 dapps in its portal by the end of January and plans for a further 150 by the end of the first quarter, said Sam Seo, the chairman of Kaia DLT Foundation, whose Kaia blockchain will host the applications.

Line’s initiative reflects a growing trend of social media and messaging apps integrating blockchain technology to offer a wider range of services. Telegram, which has <a href= »https://www.ft.com/content/8d6ceb0d-4cdb-4165-bdfa-4b95b3e07b2a » target= »_blank »>more than 900 million users</a>, offers games including Catizen and <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/consensus-magazine/2024/07/08/what-hamster-kombat-did-how-telegram-built-a-web3-gaming-juggernaut/ » target= »_blank »>Hamster Kombat</a> over The Open Network (TON) blockchain. The so-called mini dapps (dapps within apps) also build on the popularity of utility functions added to programs such as WeChat.

“Games are the biggest portion, » Seo said in an interview with CoinDesk. « The others are social apps, some <a href= »https://www.coindesk.com/learn/what-is-defi/ » target= »_blank »>DeFi</a> and AI-based chatting dapps.”

The move to dapps comes after the relative failure of earlier blockchain experiments with NFT functionality. In March 2023, Instagram said it would disable the NFT features it introduced the previous year that allowed people to share NFTs they created or bought. And while Reddit’s Digital Collectibles still exist, Collectible Expressions — which were used to animate them — were removed in July this year.

Line itself also made a foray into NFTs, starting an NFT marketplace in Japan in April 2022 and rolling out its own-brand NFT stickers.

“NFTs are too complicated for the normal users. The ideas were good, but I think we needed to improve the UX and UI,” Seo said, referring to the user experience and user interface.

“Previously, the way that users and even creators were looking at NFTs was just as an investment tool, rather than a tool for ownership. I think that was a kind of mismatch between the intention and then the result.”

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