Bitcoin : GameStop serait prêt à investir dans le BTC selon des sources concordantes

Rétrospectivement, c’était inévitable. La société GameStop, connue pour ses magasins de jeux vidéo et son rôle dans le phénomène des actions « meme », envisagerait d’investir dans Bitcoin et d’autres cryptomonnaies. Citant trois sources anonymes proches du dossier, c’est CNBC qui a rapporté la nouvelle ces dernières heures et cette annonce a déjà fait grimper l’action de GameStop de 11,3 % dans les échanges après la clôture des marchés.

Les points clés de cet article :GameStop envisagerait d’investir dans Bitcoin, faisant grimper son action de 11,3 % après cette annonce choc.
La société dispose de 4,6 milliards de dollars en liquidités, ce qui lui permettrait d’effectuer un investissement significatif dans le domaine des cryptomonnaies.
>> Acheter des cryptomonnaies tout en économisant 10 % de frais ? <<

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De WallStreetBets à Bitcoin, GameStop fait parler de lui

GameStop n’est pas étrangère au monde de la crypto. En 2021, l’entreprise est tout d’abord devenue un symbole de la rébellion des petits investisseurs contre les fonds spéculatifs de Wall Street, orchestrée sur le forum Reddit WallStreetBets. Cette saga a propulsé GameStop sous les projecteurs et a transformé son action en un véritable « memestock », soutenu par une communauté en ligne fervente.

Depuis, GameStop a continué de flirter avec les nouvelles technologies. En 2022, la société a lancé sa propre place de marché NFT sur Ethereum, marquant ainsi son entrée officielle dans l’univers de la blockchain.

Il y a quelques jours, le PDG de GameStop, Ryan Cohen, a publié une photo de lui aux côtés de Michael Saylor, fondateur et président exécutif de Strategy (anciennement MicroStrategy). Cette rencontre n’est pas passée inaperçue, car M. Saylor est bien connu pour avoir transformé Strategy en un géant du Bitcoin, avec presque 500 000 BTC détenus par l’entreprise.

Les PDG de Strategy et de GameStop posent ensemble pour la postérité ! – Source : Compte X

Une rencontre entre les deux PDG qui en dit long…

C’est pourquoi cette publication a immédiatement suscité des spéculations sur une éventuelle stratégie Bitcoin pour GameStop. Et il semble qu’elles étaient fondées !

Selon les dernières données financières, l’entreprise dispose de 4,6 milliards de dollars en liquidités à la fin du troisième trimestre de 2024. Avec des passifs totaux de moins de 1,5 milliard de dollars, GameStop a clairement les moyens de faire un investissement significatif dans Bitcoin ou d’autres cryptomonnaies.

Cette nouvelle survient alors que le prix du BTC se maintient autour de 96 700 dollars, après avoir atteint des sommets historiques plus tôt cette année. Un investissement de la société de jeux vidéo dans Bitcoin pourrait non seulement renforcer la position financière de l’entreprise, mais aussi consolider son image de pionnier numérique auprès de sa base d’investisseurs.

Si GameStop décidait effectivement d’investir dans Bitcoin, l’entreprise rejoindrait les rangs de sociétés comme Strategy et Tesla, qui ont déjà intégré la cryptomonnaie dans leur stratégie financière. Pour les investisseurs, cela pourrait représenter une nouvelle opportunité de capitaliser sur la popularité croissante de Bitcoin, tout en misant sur un acteur emblématique de la révolution numérique.

Pour faire le plein de cryptos, rendez-vous sur Binance, le leader des exchanges. Vous y trouverez toutes les cryptomonnaies les plus connues, ainsi que les projets novateurs présentés sur leur launchpool. Grâce à ce lien affilié, bénéficiez de 10 % de remise sur vos frais de trading et soutenez le travail du JdC

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L’article Bitcoin : GameStop serait prêt à investir dans le BTC selon des sources concordantes est apparu en premier sur Journal du Coin.

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OpenSea officialise son airdrop de tokens SEA et ouvre la bêta de sa V2

Cela fait plusieurs années qu’OpenSea, jadis grande leader du secteur des NFT, planchait sur une nouvelle version de sa plateforme. Aujourd’hui, OpenSea met fin à cette attente en dévoilant « OS2 » ainsi que le SEA, son futur token. Et ce dernier sera distribué sous forme d’airdrop reposant sur un système d’XP.

L’article OpenSea officialise son airdrop de tokens SEA et ouvre la bêta de sa V2 est apparu en premier sur Cryptoast.

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Crypto for Advisors: It’s Tax Time

In today’s issue, we get ready for tax time as Anthony Tuths from KPMG provides an overview of crypto tax preparation and the rules to follow.

Then, Layne Nadeau from NVAL answers questions about taxes and NFTs in Ask and Expert.

Sarah Morton

Tax time – What You Need To Know About Crypto Taxes

The 2024 tax year has come to a close, and tax filing season is now upon us. If you’ve been trading crypto, there are some things you need to consider. The first is, be sure not to waste time. While a large U.S. centralized exchange may provide you with an IRS Form 1099, other exchanges likely will not, so you will need time to organize your own tax records. Moreover, even if the exchange provides you with a 1099, it likely will not have cost basis information. And most non-U.S. exchanges and DeFi protocols will not provide you with tax information.

In order to compute accurate gains and losses, you will need to have accurate trading records for each trade, including the cost basis of any tokens sold. You’ll likely need to pull this information from the exchange if you failed to keep contemporaneous records while trading in 2024. Also note that going forward, for trading in 2025 and beyond, you are required to use “tax lot relief” methods — i.e., select which portion of fungible tokens were sold and their related tax basis, even if using first-in-first-out (FIFO) methodology, on a wallet-by-wallet basis. For example, if you sold from wallet number 4, you can’t identify a token from wallet number 7 as the token sold; you can only identify a tax lot from wallet number 4. As a result, you may want to consider consolidating wallets. Also, per IRS Rule 2024-28, tax lot allocations were to be made before your first trade in 2025.

Aside from good record keeping and tax basis tracking, all forms of income and expenditures in crypto should be considered. For example, did you receive an airdrop of a token that had value at the time of the drop? Remember that ordinary income is equal to the fair market value of the token as of the time you had the power to sell it, whether you did so or not (see IRS Rule 2019-24). That income inclusion amount then becomes your tax basis, and a future disposition will result in a capital gain or loss based on that tax basis.

Also, did you earn crypto for services you provided as an employee or independent contractor? In that case, you had reportable income equal to the fair market value of the crypto received. That income is also subject to wage withholding or self-employment tax.

Heading into the final months of 2024, you may have sold some of your digital assets trading at a loss (i.e., loss harvesting). If so, those losses can be used to offset your taxable gains and reduce your tax liability. This is true even if you bought the same tokens back shortly after selling them since there is currently no wash sale rule for buying and selling crypto. Remember this during 2025 to reduce your future taxes.

Even after loss harvesting, did you still end up with taxable gains for 2024? You may still be able to contribute to your IRA if you haven’t done so already in order to create a deduction for 2024. In most cases, you have until April 15th to do this. And while you can’t contribute crypto to an IRA, if you have a self-directed IRA, you can contribute fiat to it and then use those funds to purchase crypto.

Lastly, did you buy a bitcoin or ether ETF? Note that even if you didn’t sell the ETF in 2024, you may still have tax liability. This is because the ETFs are structured as grantor trusts, and they sell small amounts of crypto each month to fund the management fees. Each ETP publishes a tax report for the year and posts it on its website. This report tells you how to calculate your gains/losses for the year as a trust unitholder. These tax gains and losses are currently reportable by you.

Good luck tax filing!!

Anthony Tuths, digital asset practice leader tax principle alternative investments, KPMG LLP

Ask an Expert

Q: How are non–fungible tokens (NFTs) treated for tax purposes?

A: In many jurisdictions, NFTs are considered digital assets and are subject to the same tax rules as cryptocurrencies. Some jurisdictions look past this simplification at the underlying assets associated with the NFT and apply the appropriate tax treatment for those assets (e.g. Money Market Funds, Art & Collectibles, Private Debt, etc.). Consulting a tax accounting professional is recommended.

Q: Can “Floor Price” be used to calculate the value of non-fungible assets for tax purposes?

A: No, a floor price is not accepted by formal accounting or tax standards. A service is required that uses accepted accounting methods, such as market comparisons, to calculate an acceptable fair market value. Accounting providers that specialize in digital assets will have these service providers in their partner network.

Q: Can a tax loss be realized for NFTs that have lost their value/market?

A: Yes, if selling the token is no longer an option there are services (e.g. that will “purchase” illiquid NFTs (for a nominal fee), allowing the capital loss to be booked.

Due to the lack of guidance from most tax authorities on this topic, a potentially safer alternative is to send your NFT to a burn wallet like the standard ETH burn address.

Layne Nadeau, CEO, NVAL

Keep Reading

U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell committed during a Senate hearing to address the so-called « debanking » of legal business sectors, including digital assets.

As of Feb, 7, 22 U.S. states are already investing in or have bills or serious proposals around utilizing crypto as a strategic reserve.

Hong Kong is allowing bitcoin and ether holdings to be used for proof of assets for visa applications.

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Crypto : C’est officiel, OpenSea annonce le airdrop de son token SEA

NFT forever ! La nouvelle vient de tomber et elle fait déjà grand bruit dans la cryptosphère : OpenSea, la plateforme emblématique dédiée aux NFT, a annoncé le lancement imminent de son propre token, le SEA. Ce jeton vise à récompenser les utilisateurs actifs, fidèles et historiques d’OpenSea et de son protocole Seaport. Une nouvelle qui ravira sans doute les amateurs de NFT et les habitués de la plateforme.

Les points clés de cet article :OpenSea a annoncé le lancement de son propre token, le SEA, pour récompenser ses utilisateurs actifs et fidèles, sans nécessiter de vérification KYC.
La plateforme a également dévoilé OS2, une version améliorée qui intègre le trading de tokens et vise à renforcer l’engagement communautaire dans un marché NFT de plus en plus compétitif.
>> Acheter des cryptomonnaies tout en économisant 10 % de frais ? <<

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Un airdrop qui va ravir les fans de NFT !

Contrairement aux rumeurs qui circulaient, OpenSea a confirmé que les utilisateurs n’auront pas besoin de passer par une vérification KYC (Know Your Customer) pour participer à cet airdrop. De plus, les utilisateurs américains seront également éligibles, une bonne nouvelle pour une communauté souvent mise de côté lors de ce type d’opérations en raison des régulations strictes aux États-Unis.

Selon James Hu, directeur général de la Fondation OpenSea, le token SEA marquera « une étape majeure dans l’autonomisation de notre communauté et le développement de l’écosystème OpenSea ». L’objectif est clair : encourager un engagement communautaire plus fort et soutenir la prochaine phase de croissance de l’écosystème NFT.

En parallèle de l’annonce du token SEA, OpenSea a aussi dévoilé OS2, une version revitalisée de sa plateforme. Cette mise à jour inclut le support du trading de tokens aux côtés des NFT, un système de récompenses XP, une expérience utilisateur améliorée, et bien sûr, l’intégration du token SEA.

La nouvelle de l’airdrop circule déjà sur les réseaux sociaux – Source : Compte X

OS2 : la nouvelle version d’OpenSea est une réponse à la concurrence

« Nous avons vraiment pris du recul avec cette refonte et nous nous sommes dit que nous voulions construire à long terme pour notre communauté et que nous voulions être beaucoup plus crypto-natifs », a déclaré Devin Finzer, co-fondateur et PDG d’OpenSea. Cette nouvelle version marque une transition vers une plateforme plus orientée Web3, capable de répondre aux besoins variés des traders de NFT et de cryptomonnaies.

OpenSea, autrefois leader incontesté du marché des NFT, a vu sa part de marché diminuer face à des concurrents comme Blur et Magic Eden. Avec seulement 30% de parts de marché sur Ethereum, contre 62% pour Blur selon Tiexo, la plateforme se devait de réagir pour rester dans la course.

Le lancement du token SEA et la mise à jour OS2 sont donc des réponses stratégiques pour attirer de nouveaux utilisateurs tout en fidélisant les anciens. En offrant des récompenses sous forme de tokens, OpenSea espère stimuler l’activité sur sa plateforme et regagner du terrain face à ses rivaux.

En misant sur l’engagement communautaire et en simplifiant l’expérience utilisateur, la plateforme espère séduire à nouveau les traders de NFT et de cryptomonnaies. Reste à voir si ces initiatives lui permettront de reprendre sa place de leader sur un marché de plus en plus compétitif.

Pour faire le plein de cryptos, rendez-vous sur Binance, le leader des exchanges. Vous y trouverez toutes les cryptomonnaies les plus connues, ainsi que les projets novateurs présentés sur leur launchpool. Grâce à ce lien affilié, bénéficiez de 10 % de remise sur vos frais de trading et soutenez le travail du JdC

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L’article Crypto : C’est officiel, OpenSea annonce le airdrop de son token SEA est apparu en premier sur Journal du Coin.

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OpenSea Confirms Upcoming Token Airdrop, Expands to Crypto Trading

Popular non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace OpenSea said Thursday that it is expanding its platform to crypto trading and confirmed it is planning to distribute SEA tokens to users.

The trading platform called OS2 has launched today, and aggregates marketplaces, allows cross-chain purchasing and offers lower fees in the beginning, according to the protocol’s press release.

« This represents an expansion of OpenSea from an NFT marketplace to a much broader platform for trading all types of digital assets, » said Devin Finzer, Co-founder and CEO of OpenSea. « We think tokens and NFTs belong together in a single, powerful, delightful experience. »

OpenSea Foundation, the Cayman Islands-based development organization behind the protocol, will also distribute SEA tokens offering utility on the OS2 platform.

While details and date of the airdrop remain undisclosed, OpenSea has confirmed that SEA will recognize both active users and those who have been part of the platform since its early days. US users will be included in the airdrop.

OpenSea has said that SEA’s utility will be focused on long-term engagement rather than short-term speculation.

The platform’s monthly trading volume is down significantly from a $5 billion peak in early 2021, having facilitated trading of $190 million worth of NFTs last month. The platform’s annualized revenue stands at $33 million, according to Dune Analytics data.

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Crypto Daybook Americas: Bitcoin Eyes PPI for Post-CPI Guidance on Fed

By James Van Straten (All times ET unless indicated otherwise)

After Wednesday’s unexpectedly high consumer price inflation (CPI) figures, all eyes now turn to the produce price report due at 8:30 a.m.

Analysts expect year-over-year PPI to come in at 3.2%, below December’s 3.3%, with a month-on-month reading of 0.3%, up from 0.2%. Core PPI, which strips out volatile food and energy prices, is expected to show underlying inflationary pressure, accelerating to 0.3% from 0% in December. From January last year, it’s seen easing to 3.3%.

Hotter-than-expected data could signal monetary policy remains too loose, potentially delaying or even eliminating Fed rate cuts this year, against President Trump’s wishes. A more restrictive Fed is likely to be bearish for risk assets. On the other hand, softer inflation data could weaken the dollar and lower treasury yields while helping boost risk-assets.

Following the CPI data markets were volatile.

Treasury yields surged to 4.6% before retreating slightly. The Dollar Index (DXY) mirrored this movement, spiking to 108.5 before pulling back below 108.

Despite the initial sell-off, major asset classes rebounded, with bitcoin (BTC), U.S. equities and gold finishing the session in the green.

Also on the agenda, Coinbase (COIN) reports fourth-quarter earnings after the market closes. Following Robinhood’s strong results, expectations are high, and a positive report could provide a boost to the cryptocurrency market. Stay Alert!

What to Watch


Feb. 13: Start of Kraken’s gradual delisting of the USDT, PYUSD, EURT, TUSD, UST stablecoins for EEA clients. The process ends March. 31.

Feb. 13: Story (IP) mainnet launch.

Feb. 14: Dynamic TAO (DTAO) network upgrade goes live on the Bittensor (TAO) mainnet.

Feb. 14, 2:30 a.m.: Qtum (QTUM) hard fork network upgrade.

Feb. 18, 10:00 a.m.: FTX Digital Markets, the Bahamas-based subsidiary of FTX, starts reimbursing creditors.

Feb. 21: TON (The Open Network) becomes the exclusive blockchain infrastructure for messaging platform Telegram’s Mini App ecosystem.


Feb. 13, 8:30 a.m.: The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) releases January’s Producer Price Index (PPI) report.

Core PPI MoM Est. 0.3% vs. Prev. 0%

Core PPI YoY Est. 3.3% vs. Prev. 3.5%

PPI MoM Est. 0.3% vs. Prev. 0.2%

PPI YoY Prev. 3.3%

Feb. 13, 8:30 a.m.: The U.S. Department of Labor releases the Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims report for the week ended Feb. 8.

Initial Jobless Claims Est. 215K vs. Prev. 219K

Feb. 14, 8:30 a.m.: The U.S. Census Bureau releases January’s Retail Sales data.

Retail Sales MoM Est. -0.1% vs. Prev. 0.4%

Retail Sales YoY Prev. 3.9%


Feb. 13: Coinbase Global (COIN), post-market, $2.11

Feb. 14: Remixpoint (3825)

Feb. 18: CoinShares International (CS), pre-market

Feb. 18: Semler Scientific (SMLR), post-market

Feb. 20: Block (XYZ), post-market, $0.88

Token Events

Governance votes & calls

Curve DAO is voting on increasing 3pool’s amplification coefficient to 8,000 over 30 days and raise admin fees to 100%. To optimize liquidity, as part of an experiment, 3pool will have higher fees while Strategic Reserves will offer lower fees.

Aave DAO is discussing using GHO as a gas token across various networks. The framework proposes using the canonical network bridge to mint GHO directly as a gas token.


Feb. 14: The Sandbox (SAND) to unlock 8.4% of circulating supply worth $80.5 million.

Feb. 16: Arbitrum (ARB) to unlock 2.13% of circulating supply worth $45.1 million.

Feb. 16: Avalanche (AVAX) to unlock 0.4% of circulating supply worth $42.8 million.

Feb. 21: Fast Token (FTN) to unlock 4.66% of circulating supply worth $79 million.

Feb. 28: Optimism (OP) to unlock 2.32% of circulating supply worth $34.8 million.

Token Launches

Feb. 13: EthereumPoW (ETHW) and Polygon (MATIC) to no longer be supported at Deribit.

Feb. 13: Story (IP) to be listed on Bybit, Bitrue, Bitget, MEXC, KuCoin, and OKX, among others.

Feb. 14: Pudgy Penguins (PENGU) to be listed on Coinbase, according to a post shared by the Pudgy Penguins account.


CoinDesk’s Consensus to take place in Hong Kong on Feb. 18-20 and in Toronto on May 14-16. Use code DAYBOOK and save 15% on passes.

Day 2 of 2: Frankfurt Digital Finance (FDF) 2025

Day 1 of 2: The 4th Edition of NFT Paris.

Feb. 18-20: Consensus Hong Kong

Feb. 19: Sui Connect: Hong Kong

Feb. 23 to March 2: ETHDenver 2025 (Denver, Colorado)

Feb. 24: RWA London Summit 2025

Feb. 25: HederaCon 2025 (Denver)

Derivatives Positioning

Funding rates in perpetual futures tied to SOL, TRS, TRON and DOT remain negative, indicating a bias for shorts, data from Coinglass and Velo Data show.

Annualized funding rates in BTC and ETH hover near 5%.

Most major coins, excluding BNB, have seen negative open-interest-adjusted cumulative volume deltas, a sign of net selling pressure, which raises a question mark on the sustainability of Wednesday’s post-U.S. CPI recovery.

BTC and ETH options skews are positive across the board, reflecting a bull bias.

Flows, however, have been muted, with some demand for out-of-the-money higher strike ETH calls, according to data sources Deribit and Paradigm.

Market Movements:

BTC is down 1.53% from 4 p.m. ET Wednesday to $96,206.67 (24hrs: -0.02%)

ETH is down 0.23% at $2,677.69 (24hrs: +1.79%)

CoinDesk 20 is down 0.71% to 3,201.06 (24hrs: +0.66%)

Ether CESR Composite Staking Rate is down 5 bps to 3.05%

BTC funding rate is at 0.0005% (0.5606% annualized) on Binance

DXY is down 0.34% at 107.58

Gold is up 1.26% at $2945.7/oz

Silver is up 0.49% to $32.85/oz

Nikkei 225 closed up 1.28% at 39,461.47

Hang Seng closed -0.20% at 21,814.37

FTSE is down 0.74% at 8,742.63

Euro Stoxx 50 is up 1.23% to 5,471.99

DJIA closed Wednesday -0.50% at 44,368.56

S&P 500 closed -0.24% at 6,051.97

Nasdaq closed 0.03% at 19,649.95

S&P/TSX Composite Index closed -0.27% at 25,563.1

S&P 40 Latin America closed -0.93% at 2,421.78

U.S. 10-year Treasury rate was down 2 bps at 4.61%

E-mini S&P 500 futures are unchanged at 6,073

E-mini Nasdaq-100 futures are up 0.17% at 21,842.75

E-mini Dow Jones Industrial Average Index futures are unchanged at 44,480

Bitcoin Stats:

BTC Dominance: 60.91 (-0.14%)

Ethereum to bitcoin ratio: 0.02784 (-0.50)

Hashrate (seven-day moving average): 802 EH/s

Hashprice (spot): $53.2

Total Fees: 4.63 BTC / $446,657

CME Futures Open Interest: 166,680 BTC

BTC priced in gold: 33.1 oz

BTC vs gold market cap: 9.40 oz

Technical Analysis

Since the Jan. 3 crash, bitcoin has remained below the widely-tracked 50-day simple moving average (SMA).

It now appears the price has also dipped below the Ichimoku cloud, suggesting a potential bearish momentum shift.

This twin breakdown could embolden bears. Immediate support is seen at around $90,000.

Crypto Equities

MicroStrategy (MSTR): closed on Wednesday at $326.82 (+2.3%), down 0.56% at $325 in pre-market.

Coinbase Global (COIN): closed at $274.90 (+3%), up 3.24% at $283.8 in pre-market.

Galaxy Digital Holdings (GLXY): closed at C$26.87 (+1.24%)

MARA Holdings (MARA): closed at $16.24 (+1.37%), down 0.55% at $16.16 in pre-market.

Riot Platforms (RIOT): closed at $11.16 (+0.18%), down 0.54% at $11.10 in pre-market.

Core Scientific (CORZ): closed at $12.09 (-1.39%), unchanged in pre-market.

CleanSpark (CLSK): closed at $10.52 (+2.33%), down 0.67% at $10.45 in pre-market.

CoinShares Valkyrie Bitcoin Miners ETF (WGMI): closed at $22.73 (+1.75%), unchanged in pre-market.

Semler Scientific (SMLR): closed at $47.69 (+1.51%), unchanged in pre-market.

Exodus Movement (EXOD): closed at $48.85 (-0.63%), up 2.48% at $50.06 in pre-market.

ETF Flows

Spot BTC ETFs:

Daily net flow: -$251 million

Cumulative net flows: $40.21 billion

Total BTC holdings ~ 1.174 million.


Daily net flow: -$40.9 million

Cumulative net flows: $3.13 billion

Total ETH holdings ~ 3.788 million.

Source: Farside Investors

Overnight Flows

Chart of the Day

Daily trading volumes in decentralized exchanges based on PancakeSwap have surged to the highest since early December.

The renewed activity partly explains CAKE token’s jump to a two-month high of $3.4.

While You Were Sleeping

Bitcoin Miner Riot Adds New Board Member to Push AI Pivot (CoinDesk): Bitcoin miner Riot Platforms added three new directors as it explores repurposing its mining infrastructure for AI workloads.

Bitcoin HODLer Metaplanet to Join MSCI Japan Index, Raises $26M to Buy More BTC (CoinDesk): The bitcoin buyer will be joining the MSCI Japan Index, which tracks the performance of large and mid cap Japanese stocks, on Feb. 28.

Coinbase Eyes Re-Entry to India (TechCrunch): The crypto exchange is reportedly working with Indian regulators to return to the crypto market it left in 2022 nearly six months after Binance resumed operations there.

Fed’s Waller Says Scale of Stablecoins Rests on Harmonized Rules (Bloomberg): Fed Governor Christopher Waller said stablecoins could strengthen the dollar globally, but need a U.S. regulatory framework that deals with their risks.

Ray Dalio to the Trump Administration: Cut Debt Now or Face an ‘Economic Heart Attack’ (CNBC): Citing the massive $36 trillion U.S. debt, Bridgewater’s Ray Dalio warns of a potential economic crisis unless the Trump administration urgently cuts the deficit to 3% of GDP from 7.5%.

In the Ether

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Airdrop Resolv : gagnez des cryptos facilement et sans risque

Sur les traces d’Hyperliquid. Fin 2023, l’airdrop d’Hyperliquid a fait trembler l’écosystème crypto en distribuant une part massive de sa supply directement à la communauté. Exit les fonds de capital-risque, place à un largage massif qui a catapulté le projet dans le top 10 des protocoles DeFi en termes de TVL. De quoi marquer les esprits et donner des idées à d’autres… Parmi eux, un certain Resolv, qui attire déjà les convoitises et suscite des attentes sur un airdrop futur. Et pour cause : entre son approche innovante des stablecoins et un système de points à gagner alléchant que vous pouvez optimiser de 20 % grâce à notre lien affilié.

Cet article contient des liens d’affiliation vous permettant de soutenir le travail quotidien des équipes du Journal Du Coin.

Resolv : Un stablecoin delta-neutre

Fondé en juin 2023 par trois entrepreneurs chevronnés, Resolv, que nous présentons en détail dans cet article, mise sur une approche inédite avec son stablecoin USR.

Contrairement aux stablecoins classiques comme USDT ou USDC, qui dépendent d’actifs sous-jacents centralisés, l’USR repose exclusivement sur de l’ETH et un mécanisme delta-neutre sophistiqué.

Comment ça fonctionne ?

Resolv combine une position longue en ETH (qui sert de collatéral au stablecoin) avec une position courte en futures pour neutraliser l’impact des fluctuations du marché.

Ce rééquilibrage est entièrement automatisé via des smart contracts, garantissant transparence et stabilité.

Contrairement aux stablecoins algorithmiques qui ont fait naufrage (coucou Terra Luna), Resolv assure une couverture réelle des actifs en jeu.

Les airdrops constituent l’un des meilleurs moyens de gagner des cryptos gratuitement

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Un Airdrop en vue ? Suivez les points !

Resolv Labs n’a pas encore officialisé d’airdrop, mais tout laisse à penser que c’est dans les tuyaux. Le projet a mis en place un système de points récompensant les utilisateurs qui interagissent avec le protocole. Une stratégie bien rodée qui rappelle celle d’Hyperliquid…

Comment accumuler des points ?

Détenir des tokens USR : 30 points par dollar d’USR par jour.

Détenir des tokens RLP (Resolv Liquidity Provider) : 10 points par dollar.

Staker de l’USR : 5 points par dollar.

Posséder un NFT Blueprint : Bonus de 25% sur les points.

Utiliser un lien de parrainage : Bonus de 20%.

Stacker sur Hyperliquid : Bonus de 10%.

Avec une telle gamification, l’engouement autour de Resolv ne cesse de croître. Le projet joue clairement la carte de l’engagement communautaire pour booster son adoption, une stratégie qui a déjà fait ses preuves.

Faut-il sauter sur l’occasion ?

Resolv semble cocher toutes les cases d’un futur airdrop juteux : un protocole innovant, un modèle économique malin, une stratégie d’acquisition d’utilisateurs bien huilée… Et un partenariat stratégique avec Hyperliquid, qui n’est certainement pas anodin.

Bien que rien ne soit garanti, accumuler des points dès maintenant pourrait bien s’avérer très rentable si un airdrop venait à être confirmé. Alors, que vous soyez un dégénéré du farming ou un simple curieux, Resolv pourrait bien être la prochaine mine d’or du secteur. Ca tombe bien ! Le Journal du Coin vous propose dans cet article un tutoriel complet pour gagner un maximum de points !

Les airdrops constituent l’un des meilleurs moyens de gagner des cryptos gratuitement

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L’article Airdrop Resolv : gagnez des cryptos facilement et sans risque est apparu en premier sur Journal du Coin.

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The Protocol: Can Based Rollups Solve Ethereum’s Layer-2 Problem?

Welcome to The Protocol, CoinDesk’s weekly wrap-up of the most important stories in cryptocurrency tech development. I’m Ben Schiller, CoinDesk’s Opinion and Features editor.

In this issue:

Can Based Rollups solve Ethereum’s problem?

Lido goes modular

Uniswap finally unveils Unichain

Ethereum’s Pectra upgrade is coming

Network news

BASED ROLLUPS TO THE RESCUE: In recent years, Ethereum has embraced a layer-2 scaling roadmap—a plan that encouraged the development of third-party auxiliary networks called « layer-2 rollups »—to help scale the base Ethereum ecosystem. Offloading activity to these upstart networks has helped bring down fees and improve speeds for end-users, but it has led to a massive, deeply fragmented ecosystem of layer 2s. But while layer-2 networks all post data back down to Ethereum, they often struggle to communicate directly with one another, meaning passing assets and data between them can become expensive and cumbersome. There’s also the risk of centralized sequencers: reliance on company-controlled black boxes to pass transaction data between blockchain layers. As a result, some Ethereum developers are pushing rollup tech that takes a new approach to security and interoperability: “based rollups. » Based rollups differ from most existing rollups because they shift execution duties—such as processing transactions—back to Ethereum’s layer-1 rather than handling them on a separate layer-2 network. When someone transacts on a layer-2 rollup, their transaction is processed through a component called a “sequencer.” The sequencer batches multiple transactions and submits them to Ethereum for settlement. While sequencers provide efficiency and generate revenue for rollup operators by strategically ordering transactions, they also introduce a single point of failure. Based rollups avoid this vulnerability by using Ethereum’s built-in sequencing—its massive community of validators—rather than a single centralized sequencer. Rollups like Optimism, Arbitrum, Base, zkSync, and Blast have quickly grown to support larger transaction volumes than Ethereum itself. According to L2Beat, there are currently 140 live layer-2 networks, but the experience of operating between them—passing assets and other data between networks—has become clunky. As Ethereum becomes bigger and layer-2 networks become more integral to its functioning, improving communication between layer-2s—in other words, improving « composability »—has become more important than ever. — Margaux Nijkerk Read more.

LIDO GOES MODULAR: The developers behind Lido, the largest staking service on Ethereum, have proposed revamping the staking platform with modular « vaults. » The new framework would introduce stVaults, a customizable component designed to help Lido accommodate institutions and more complex staking strategies. Lido currently allows investors to pool their ether (ETH) together and « stake » their crypto — locking up their tokens with the network, helping to secure it in exchange for interest. Lido pioneered liquid staking: users get a receipt on their deposits called Lido staked ETH (stETH) that they can trade at any time. With liquid staking on Lido, entering and exiting staking positions became as simple as buying and selling stETH tokens. Lido V3’s stVaults are “modular smart contracts designed to meet the diverse and evolving needs of Ethereum participants,” according to a press release shared with CoinDesk. The upgrade would enable staking setups beyond cut-and-dry liquid staking. Specifically, stVaults will be able to help institutional stakers who want to personalize their staking setups, node operators who want to attract high-volume stakers, and asset managers who want to create new staking use cases. “What is important to understand with customizable infrastructure, is that you can in general build even more complex products,” said Konstantin Lomashuk, the founder of the Lido staking protocol. — Margaux Nijkerk Read more.

UNICHAIN FINALLY: Uniswap Labs, the primary developer behind one of the largest decentralized exchanges (DEX), Uniswap, shared Feb 13 that its long-awaited layer-2 network, Unichain, is now live. Powered by Optimism’s OP stack, Unichain—like other layer-2s on Ethereum—offers faster and cheaper transactions compared to Ethereum’s mainnet. Developers can deploy apps onto the network, which has been optimized specifically for decentralized finance (DeFi) and aims to serve as « the home for liquidity across chains, » according to Uniswap Labs. For Uniswap Labs, the benefit of launching a layer-2 is twofold: it will provide a better experience for users of Uniswap and similar platforms, and it will create a new revenue opportunity in the form of network fees. A representative for Uniswap Labs told CoinDesk that « around 20% » of the chain’s revenue will go directly to the company. Unichain has been in testing since October 2024 and is classified by Uniswap Labs as a « stage-1 » rollup, meaning it has elements of decentralization but retains some centrally-controlled safeguards at this early phase. The network is built on the OP Stack, a modular framework that lets developers build interoperable layer-2 chains based on Optimism’s optimistic rollup technology. Several well-known teams have come out with their own OP Stack-based layer-2’s, including Coinbase’s ‘Base’, Kraken’s ‘Ink,’ World’s ‘World chain,’ and Sony’s ‘Soneium.’ “We are anticipating a world of many, many different use cases, of which trading is a small subset,” Adams told CoinDesk in an interview. In collaboration with Ethereum research and development firm Flashbots, the Uniswap team said it has created a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) on Unichain, a secure area for more sensitive transactions and is meant to optimize the chain for DeFi by allowing for more advanced trades and faster transaction finality. — Margaux Nijkerk Read more.

PECTRA IN APRIL: Ethereum developers have officially set test dates for Pectra, the network’s first upgrade in 11 months, putting it on track for a potential April release date. Pectra will contain an array of improvements — with a special focus on wallets and validators — but it comes at a period of heightened scrutiny for Ethereum, which has recently faced pressure from its community to refocus and catch up with competitors. Ethereum’s core builders decided on Thursday during their bi-weekly « All Core Developers » call to begin testing Pectra on Feb. 26 on the Holesky testnet, with a follow-up test on the network’s Sepolia testnet slated for Mar. 5. Should those tests succeed, the developers will reconvene on Mar. 6 to determine when to launch the upgrade officially. According to Tim Beiko, the protocol support lead at the Ethereum Foundation, developers expect the upgrade to hit mainnet in early April. Pectra — a portmanteau representing two separate upgrades, Prague and Electra — includes eight major improvements to the second-largest blockchain. Among the most-anticipated is EIP-7702, which is supposed to improve the user experience of crypto wallets. The Ethereum community has been facing an identity crisis over the last few weeks. Its native token, ether (ETH), is underperforming against other cryptocurrencies, and competitor networks like Solana have drawn attention and talent from the Ethereum ecosystem — the first-ever programmable blockchain and still the most trafficked. Amid the controversy — much of it directed at the Etheruem Foundation, which coordinates chain upgrades and is currently undergoing a major leadership shuffle — developers are hoping that Pectra will help put the network on steadier footing. — Margaux Nijkerk Read more.

Money Center

El Salvador Dispatch

Berlín, a city of 20,000 people, is home to El Salvador’s second Bitcoin circular economy. “Bitcoin City already exists. It’s called Berlín,” said one resident. Tom Carreras reports.

LinksDAO Launches on Base

LinksDAO began by selling NFTs, but the market has moved on in the time since.

Regulatory and policy

Hester Peirce, head of the SEC’s new crypto taskforce, says that memecoins likely to fall outside the regulator’s jurisdiction.


Feb. 19-20, 2025: ConsensusHK, Hong Kong.

Feb. 23-24: NFT Paris

Feb 23-March 2: ETHDenver

March 18-19: Digital Asset Summit, London

May 14-16: Consensus, Toronto.

May 27-29: Bitcoin 2025, Las Vegas.

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Crypto Daybook Americas: Inflation Data May Shake Out Bitcoin’s Doldrums as Demand for BTC Picks Up

By Francisco Rodrigues (All times ET unless indicated otherwise)

The U.S. inflation report due later today might shift bitcoin (BTC) out of the doldrums that have mired it this week.

In recent years, the January figure has tended to show significant price hikes. Last year, for example, the month’s data put an end to a series of lower readings, repeating a pattern also seen in 2023. That’s because businesses often evaluate their costs and raise prices at the start of the year, as the Wall Street Journal points out.

A higher-than-expected inflation report could suggest “monetary policy has more work to do” Dallas Fed President Lorie Logan said in a speech last week. The Federal Reserve has already indicated it isn’t rushing to adjust interest rates after 100 basis points of reductions last year.

Also playing into the consideration are the Trump administration’s tariffs, with the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston pointing to a potential rise as high as 0.8% to core PCE, the inflation measure the Fed focuses on. Still, in 2018 and 2019 tariffs had negligible effects.

On the other hand, a soft inflation report could be beneficial for risks assets including bitcoin. A lower-than-expected figure will probably raise interest-rate cut expectations, potentially weakening the U.S. dollar index and lowering Treasury yields, CoinDesk’s Omkar Godbole has reported.

Meanwhile, demand for the largest cryptocurrency holds strong. Just this week, Japanese mobile-game studio Gumi revealed plans to accumulate around $6.6 million worth of BTC, while KULR Technology Group increased its crypto holdings to 610.3 bitcoin.

Similarly, Goldman Sachs’ 13F filing shows the banking giant significantly increased its exposure to spot bitcoin and ether ETFs in the fourth quarter. And don’t forget Strategy’s near-weekly bitcoin purchases.

Bitcoin’s Coinbase premium, which measures the difference between BTC’s price on the U.S. exchange and Binance, recently turned negative, suggesting U.S. traders are cautious about the upcoming inflation report.

The caution comes amid growing headwinds for the crypto market, which may have reached the top of its cycle. Research firm BCA Research has recently shared a note with clients suggesting the record ETF inflows and the memecoin craze are warning signals.

Warning signals are present elsewhere, with a recent JPMorgan report pointing out that crypto ecosystem growth slowed last month, while total trading volumes dropped 24%. Activity is nevertheless ahead of where it was before the U.S. elections. Stay alert!

What to Watch


Feb. 13: Start of Kraken’s gradual delisting of the USDT, PYUSD, EURT, TUSD, UST stablecoins for EEA clients. The process ends March. 31.

Feb. 13: Story (IP) mainnet launch.

Feb. 14: Dynamic TAO (DTAO) network upgrade goes live on the Bittensor (TAO) mainnet.

Feb. 14, 2:30 a.m.: Qtum (QTUM) hard fork network upgrade.

Feb. 18, 10:00 a.m.: FTX Digital Markets, the Bahamas-based subsidiary of FTX, starts reimbursing creditors.

Feb. 21: TON (The Open Network) becomes the exclusive blockchain infrastructure for messaging platform Telegram’s Mini App ecosystem.


Feb. 12, 8:30 a.m.: The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) releases January’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) report.

Core Inflation Rate MoM Est. 0.3% vs. Prev. 0.2%

Core Inflation Rate YoY Est. 3.1% vs Prev. 3.2%

Inflation Rate MoM Est. 0.3% vs. Prev. 0.4%

Inflation Rate YoY Est. 2.9% vs. Prev. 2.9%

Feb. 12, 10:00 a.m.: Fed Chair Jerome Powell presents his semi-annual report to the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services. Livestream link.

Feb. 13, 8:30 a.m.: The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) releases January’’s Producer Price Index (PPI) report.

Core PPI MoM Est. 0.3% vs. Prev. 0%

Core PPI YoY Est. 3.3% vs. Prev. 3.5%

PPI MoM Est. 0.3% vs. Prev. 0.2%

PPI YoY Prev. 3.3%

Feb. 13, 8:30 a.m.: The U.S. Department of Labor releases the Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims report for the week ended Feb. 8.

Initial Jobless Claims Est. 216K vs. Prev. 219K


Feb. 12: Hut 8 (HUT), pre-market, $0.05

Feb. 12: IREN (IREN), post-market, $-0.01

Feb. 12: Reddit (RDDT), post-market, $0.25

Feb. 12: Robinhood Markets (HOOD), post-market, $0.41

Feb. 13: Coinbase Global (COIN), post-market, $1.89

Feb. 14: Remixpoint (TYO: 3825)

Feb. 18: CoinShares International (STO: CS), pre-market

Feb. 18: Semler Scientific (SMLR), post-market

Token Events

Governance votes & calls

Morpho DAO is discussing a 25% reduction in MORPHO rewards on both Ethereum and Base after another reduction took effect on Jan. 30.

DYdX DAO is voting on the dYdX Treasury subDAO taking control over the stDYDX within the protocol’s Community Treasury and any tokens accrued through auto compounding staking rewards.

Curve DAO is voting on increasing 3pool’s amplification coefficient to 8,000 over 30 days and raise admin fees to 100%. To optimize liquidity, as part of an experiment, 3pool will have higher fees while Strategic Reserves will offer lower fees.

Feb. 12 2 p.m. : Render (RENDER) to host an AI Scout Discord AMA session.


Feb. 12: Aethir (ATH) to unlock 10.21% of circulating supply worth $23.80 million.

Feb. 14: The Sandbox (SAND) to unlock 8.4% of circulating supply worth $80.2 million.

Feb. 16: Arbitrum (ARB) to unlock 2.13% of circulating supply worth $42.93 million.

Feb. 21: Fast Token (FTN) to unlock 4.66% of circulating supply worth $78.8 million.

Token Launches

Feb. 12: Avalon (AVL) to be listed on Bybit.

Feb. 12: Game7 (G7) to be listed on Bybit,, HashKey, MEXC, XT, and KuCoin.

Feb. 13: EthereumPoW (ETHW) and Polygon (MATIC) to no longer be supported at Deribit.


CoinDesk’s Consensus to take place in Hong Kong on Feb. 18-20 and in Toronto on May 14-16. Use code DAYBOOK and save 15% on passes.

Feb. 12-13: Frankfurt Digital Finance (FDF) 2025

Feb. 13-14: The 4th Edition of NFT Paris.

Feb. 18-20: Consensus Hong Kong

Feb. 19: Sui Connect: Hong Kong

Feb. 23 to March 2: ETHDenver 2025 (Denver, Colorado)

Feb. 24: RWA London Summit 2025

Feb. 25: HederaCon 2025 (Denver)

Token Talk

By Shaurya Malwa

The Central African Republic’s CAR token is down 95% from Monday’s peak prices, with a market capitalization now around $40 million.

CAR was issued late Sunday and promoted by the republic’s President
Faustin-Archange Touadéra as an asset that could help fund public facilities in the impoverished nation.

Touadéra claimed proceeds from CAR token are being used to rebuild and furnish a high school, whose details are not yet public.

Derivatives Positioning

Following Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s remarks hinting at a potential delay in quantitative easing until interest rates approach zero, market sentiment turned more cautious, leading to a sharp decline in open interest across altcoins.

Rocket Pool, Venice Token and TST experienced the most significant drops, with open interest plunging 44%, 32%, and 30%, respectively, over the past 24 hours.

On the other hand, Binance ecosystem tokens gained momentum, with BNX the standout performer. Open interest in BNX surged 57% to $166 million within a day, while its price jumped 18% to $0.868.

Market Movements:

BTC is down 0.4% from 4 p.m. ET Tuesday to $96,029.62 (24hrs: -1.97%)

ETH is down 0.17% at $2,619.27 (24hrs: -2.87%)

CoinDesk 20 is up 0.66% to 3,178.54 (24hrs: -2.74%)

Ether CESR Composite Staking Rate is up 5 bps to 3.1%

BTC funding rate is at 0.01% (10.95% annualized) on Binance

DXY is unchanged at 107.99

Gold is down 0.15% at $2908.1/oz

Silver is down 0.22% to $32.16/oz

Nikkei 225 closed up 0.42% at 38,963.7

Hang Seng closed +2.64% at 21,857.92

FTSE is unchanged at 8,781.91

Euro Stoxx 50 is up 0.1% to 5,396.36

DJIA closed Tuesday +0.28% at 44,593.65

S&P 500 closed unchanged at 6,068.5

Nasdaq closed -0.36% at 19,643.86

S&P/TSX Composite Index closed -0.11% at 25,631.8

S&P 40 Latin America closed +0.65% at 2,444.58

U.S. 10-year Treasury rate was up 1 bps at 4.54%

E-mini S&P 500 futures are down 0.16% to 6,082.5

E-mini Nasdaq-100 futures are unchanged at 21,777

E-mini Dow Jones Industrial Average Index futures are down 0.21% at 44,616

Bitcoin Stats:

BTC Dominance: 61.32% (+0.06%)

Ethereum to bitcoin ratio: 0.02728 (+0.33%)

Hashrate (seven-day moving average): 800 EH/s

Hashprice (spot): $53.56

Total Fees: 5.25 BTC / $505,060

CME Futures Open Interest: 167,470 BTC

BTC priced in gold: 33.1 oz

BTC vs gold market cap: 9.4%

Technical Analysis

Dogecoin reaches a critical point support and resistance at 25 cents, with prices coiling around that level since Feb.3.

Traders may watch DOGE’s Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator, which tracks the relative changes in prices across specific time periods.

The indicator is trending upward with net buying volumes since Feb. 3, indicative of a rally if the MACD line crosses above zero.

Crypto Equities

MicroStrategy (MSTR): closed on Tuesday at $319.46 (-4.53%), up 0.82% at $322.30 in pre-market.

Coinbase Global (COIN): closed at $266.90 (-4.75%), up 0.88% at $269.25 in pre-market.

Galaxy Digital Holdings (GLXY): closed at C$26.54 (-2.57%)

MARA Holdings (MARA): closed at $16.02 (-4.42%), up 1% at $16.18 in pre-market.

Riot Platforms (RIOT): closed at $11.14 (-4.21%), up 0.81% at $11.23 in pre-market.

Core Scientific (CORZ): closed at $12.26 (-4.37%), up 0.24% at $12.29 in pre-market.

CleanSpark (CLSK): closed at $10.28 (-8.05%), up 0.39% at $10.32 in pre-market.

CoinShares Valkyrie Bitcoin Miners ETF (WGMI): closed at $22.34 (-4.94%), up 0.12% at $22.46 in pre-market.

Semler Scientific (SMLR): closed at $46.98 (-5.3%), unchanged in pre-market.

Exodus Movement (EXOD): closed at $49.16 (-3.95%), unchanged in pre-market.

ETF Flows

Spot BTC ETFs:

Daily net flow: -$56.7 million

Cumulative net flows: $40.46 billion

Total BTC holdings ~ 1.174 million.


Daily net flow: $12.6 million

Cumulative net flows: $3.17 billion

Total ETH holdings ~ 3.785 million.

Source: Farside Investors

Overnight Flows

Chart of the Day

Ethereum has dropped down to 17th in terms of weekly revenues across all blockchains and applications, with a relatively small $7 million pocketed by network validators.

While You Were Sleeping

Bitcoin May See Gains from Soft U.S. CPI, Major Risk-On Surge in BTC Appears Unlikely (CoinDesk): Bitcoin and other risk assets may get a boost if today’s CPI report shows soft inflation, but Trump’s tariffs are likely to curb further rate cuts and put the brakes on a sustained rally.

Trump to Tap Former CFTC Commissioner, a16z Policy Head Brian Quintenz for CFTC Head (CoinDesk): Brian Quintenz, a former commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and a crypto advocate, has reportedly been chosen by President Trump to be the agency’s chairman.

Crypto Custody Firm BitGo Said to Weigh IPO as Soon as This Year (Bloomberg): Crypto custodian BitGo is considering an IPO for the second half of 2025, joining firms such as Gemini and Kraken, which are also expected to go public this year.

Why Today’s Inflation Report Is Especially Important (The Wall Street Journal): January’s U.S. inflation data — with the CPI released today, PPI tomorrow, and PCE on Feb. 28 — is important for predicting the Fed’s monetary policy because businesses typically raise prices at the start of the year.

Stocks Steady; Sanguine Powell Knocks Bonds and Gold (Reuters): Fed Chari Powell’s Senate testimony on Tuesday, downplaying rate-cut urgency unless inflation falls or job market weakens, boosted Treasury yields and the dollar, while sending oil and gold prices lower.

China’s Tech Stocks Enter Bull Market After DeepSeek Breakthrough (Financial Times): Chinese tech stocks have surged 20% in one month after DeepSeek’s AI breakthrough revived investor confidence in internet companies, helping the Hang Seng Tech index to outpace the Nasdaq 100.

In the Ether

UPDATE (Feb. 12, 12:03 UTC): Adds Derivatives Positioning section.

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LinksDAO Plans to Launch a Community Token on Base

LinksDAO is launching its own community token, adding a highly tradeable asset alongside its nearly 10,000 membership non-fungible token (NFTs) this crypto golf club tried selling to fund its mantra: « We’re gonna buy a golf course. »

NFTs aren’t as trending as they were in early 2022 when LinksDAO sold its membership tokens for $10 million. The market euphoria that led raunchy Beeple artwork to nab hundreds of millions of dollars at auction moved on long, long ago.

CryptoSlam’s NFT Index is down nearly 97% since its inception in January 2022, showing how market interest is now elsewhere. Memecoins now dominate crypto’s short attention span economy; even Trump has one. Now LinksDAO will have one too, with LINKS.

« We are going to be launching a community token that has deep culture, that’s embedded in the game of golf, that’s embedded in the community, and that’s permissible under the fucking regulations that we have to deal with, » LinksDAO founder Mike Dudas said on a community call late Tuesday.

The coin is expected to launch in the coming months on the Base blockchain. A third of its supply is earmarked for LinksDAO NFT holders, with smaller allocations for members of other NFT communities, including Pudgy Penguins and Bored Ape Yacht Club.

Any successful crypto coin inevitably lives or dies as a financial instrument, even when its promoters – right up to the President of the United States – attempt to insist otherwise in the fine print. For their part, LinksDAO’s suits proclaimed LINKS was not « speculative » nor an investment.

Instead, they’re calling it a community « enhancer: » a way to broaden the reach of a crypto club that managed to weather the bear market less because of the enduring appeal of NFTs than the growing power of golf.

« The goal is to have every single golfer have LINKS in their crypto wallet, » said head of community and co-founder Cooper Sherwin.

LinksDAO bought a golf club in Scotland in mid-2023. The club’s executives recently signed an agreement to become partial owners of a second course in Kansas City. That deal is subject to a vote by LinksDAO’s NFT-holding members, said Sherwin.

Hillcrest Golf Course is an 18-hole course designed by an architect from golf’s so-called Golden Age, Donald Ross in 1915.

He once called it the finest course in the world, but it fell into disrepair over the ensuing century, according to project members.

That created an opportunity for LinksDAO to cut a deal. Current owner Robb Heineman – a Kansas City businessman who also owns that city’s Major League Soccer team – closed the club down for a few years back to pursue a $30 million renovation project.

Heineman did not return a call from CoinDesk. In a press release, he said LinksDAO « shares our forward-thinking vision for what a golf club can be. »

LinksDAO will become a minority owner of Hillcrest and gain a board seat, though project leads declined to share specific financials behind the deal. The deal will seek the approval of LinksDAO’s NFT holding members, who vote on proposals but don’t have full legal power over the project’s decisions.

Some 200 members showed up on Tuesday night to hear the dual announcement of course acquisition and token. That means LinksDAO is not actually a « decentralized autonomous organization, » but instead a kind of affinity club for people at the intersection of crypto and golf.

Hillcrest’s national membership program will become a LinksDAO operation open only to holders of its NFTs.

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